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Circulars (2001-2004)

[001] Study Period 2001-2004-General information on ITU-T activities - Request for contacts and addresses for the TSB database - ITU-T and TSB documentation
[002] Implementation of the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) for ITU-T Recommendations
[003] First Meeting of Special Study Group "IMT-2000 and beyond", Geneva 11-15 December 2000
[004] Meeting of Study Group 4 with a view to approving 7 draft revised and 12 draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of the WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 19 January 2001
[005] Meeting of Study Group 7 with a view to approving 16 draft revised and new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 2 February 2001
[006] Meeting of Study Group 2 with a view to approving 5 draft revised and 4 draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of the WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 23 January 2001
[006 Add.1] Meeting of Study Group 2 with a view to approving 8 draft revised and 5 draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of the WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 23 January 2001
[007] Meeting of Study Group 15 with a view to approving 14 draft revised and 5 draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 5 and 9 February 2001
[008] Meeting of Study Group 12 with a view to approving two draft revised and two draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 23 February 2001
[009] Meeting of Study Group 9 with a view to approving 26 draft revised and new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1,Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 2 March 2001
[009 Corr.1] CHANGE OF DATE OF Meeting of Study Group 9 with a view to approving 26 draft revised and new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) GENEVA, 9 MARCH 2001
[010] Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2001
[011] Approval of three revised and one new ITU-T Recommendations
[012] Approval of two corrigenda and four amendments of existing ITU-T Recommendations, nine revised and 25 new ITU-T Recommendations
[013] IP networking and MEDIACOM-2004 Workshop (Geneva, 24-27 April 2001)
[014] Approval of 27 new ITU-T Recommendations
[015] Approval of one corrigendum, three revised and five new ITU-T Recommendations
[016] Study Group 3 Questionnaire on accounting rate shares/settlement rates for the international automatic telephone service
[017] Questionnaire on conditions for provision of call-back
[018] Approval of two new ITU-T Recommendations
[019] Universal International Premium Rate Numbers (UIPRN) for the International Premium Rate Service (IPRS) - Start-up Phase
[020] Approval of new Questions for the 2001-2004 Study Period
[021] Universal International Shared Cost Numbers (UISCN) for the Shared Cost Service (ISCS) - Start-up Phase
[022] Approval of 19 revised or new ITU-T Recommendations
[023] Approval of merging existing Questions 14/4 and 15/4 as Question 14/4
[024] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendation X.61/Q.741 agreed to by Study Group 7 at its meeting on 2 February 2001 and by Study Group 11 at its meeting on 6 December 2000
[025] Meeting of Study Group 11 with a view to approving one draft revised Recommendation and one draft new Recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 25 May 2001
[026] ENUM Awareness
[027] Approval of 19 revised or new ITU-T Recommendations
[028] Hotel bookings at preferential ITU rates
[029] Approval of 13 revised or new ITU-T Recommendations
[030] Approval of revised Question 4/11 for the 2001-2004 Study Period
[031] Approval of 16 revised or new ITU-T Recommendations
[032] Approval of 4 revised or new ITU-T Recommendations
[033] Approval of 4 new and one revised Questions
[034] Approval of 22 revised or new ITU-T Recommendations
[035] Meeting of Study Group 11 with a view to approving 15 draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000 )Geneva, 2 July 2001 (afternoon)
[036] Etablishment of new ITU-T Study Group 17 (Merging of ITU-T Study Group 7 and 10)
[037] First meeting of the Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite Matters (Ankara, 26 to 28 June 2001)
[038] Proposed deletion of Annexes A to F of ITU-T Recommendation A.5 agreed to by the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group at its meeting on 23 March 2001
[039] Questionnaire on optical fibre cable installation along railways
[040] Replies to the Questionnaire on conditions for provision of "call-back"
[040 Corr.1] Replies to the Questionnaire on conditions for provision of "call-back"
[041] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations P.35 and P.861agreed to by Study Group 12 at its meeting on 23 February 2001
[042] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendation X.61/Q.741
[043] Approval of revised Questions for the 2001-2004 Study Period
[044] Approval of revised Question 11/13
[045] Notification of International Network Identification Codes assigned to ATM and Frame Relay networks numbered under E.164
[046] Meeting of Study Group 2 with a view to approving one draft revised and one draft new Recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 14 September 2001
[047] Approval of one new and one revised ITU-T Recommendations
[048] Approval of new Question 15/16
[049] V.92 Spectrum Usage
[050] Deletion of Annexes A to F of ITU-T Recommendation A.5
[051] Unification of the information on numbering and request for information on "National Numbering Plan"
[052] Questionnaire on joint closures, termination and distribution frames, outdoor enclosures and passive modules for optical networks
[052 Corr.1] Questionnaire on joint closures, termination and distribution frames, outdoor enclosures and passive modules for optical networks
[053] Questionnaire on construction of optical network in access areas
[054] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendation K.16 agreed to by Study Group 5 at its meeting on 22 June 2001
[055] Approval of 15 draft new ITU-T Recommendations
[056] ITU-T International Network Designator addresses (IND) - Start-up Phase
[057] Questionnaire on "Lightning protection of radio base stations located on power poles"
[057 Corr.1] Questionnaire on "Use of Power Line Poles for Radio Base Stations"
[058] Approval of merging Questions 6/4 and 12/4
[059] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations P.35 and P.861
[060] Meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) with a view to approving one draft revised Recommendation and one draft revised Annex in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000)......
[061] Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2002
[061Corr.1] Corrigendum 1 to TSB Circular 61: Revised schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2002
[062] Proposed deletion of Recommendation B.17 agreed to by the Telecommunication Study Group 10 on 14 September 2001
[063] Approval of revised Question 7/10 (Question 23/17)
[064] Termination of ITU-T Study Groups 7 and 10; ITU-T Study Group 17 organization
[065] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendation K.16
[066] Use of national numbers for international services
[067] Workshop on IP Cablecom/Mediacom 2004/ Interactivity in Multimedia (Geneva, 12-15 March 2002)
[068] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendation B.18 and E.211, and renumbering of C.2 to F.19, agreed to by Study Group 2 at its meeting on 14 September 2001
[069] Meeting of Study Group 16 with a view to approving a draft revised Recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 15 February 2002
[069 Corr.1] Meeting of Study Group 16 with a view to approving a draft revised Recommendation
[070] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations G.681 and G.958 agreed to by Study Group 15 at its meeting on 26 October 2001
[071] Approval of one draft new and one draft revised ITU-T Recommendations
[072] Tutorial Workshop on ENUM (Geneva, 8 February 2002)
[073] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendation B.17 agreed to by Study Group 10 on 14 September 2001.
[074] Meeting of Study Group 2 with a view to approving 2 draft revised and 9 draft new Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 17 May 2002
[075] Workshop on "Framework and scope of formal languages" (Geneva, 2 March 2002)
[076] Approval of revised Questions 2, 15, 16 and 19/15
[077] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations B.12, Annex A to G.100 and P.30 agreed to by Study Group 12 at its meeting on 26 October 2001
[078] Questionnaire on conditions for provision of call-back (Action: Please return the questionnaire by 15 February 2002 at the latest)
[079] Study Group 3 Questionnaire on accounting rate shares/settlement rates for the international automatic telephone service
[080] Approval of two draft revised ITU-T Recommendations
[081] Draft ITU-T Operational Plan for the years 2002 and 2003
[082] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations G.681 and G.958
[083] Approval of merging existing Questions 2/9 and 3/9 as Question 2/9 and approval of new Question 22/9
[084] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations B.18 and E.211, and renumbering of C.2 to F.19
[085] ITU Seminar on IMT-2000 and Systems beyond (Ottawa, Canada, 28 May 2002)
[086] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendation G.931 agreed to by Study Group 13 at its meeting on 1 February 2002
[087] Tutorial Workshop on IPv6 (Geneva, 6 May 2002)
[088] Replies to the Questionnaire on conditions for provision of "call-back"
[089] Questionnaire on safety procedures for outdoor installation
[090] ITU-T Workshop on Security (Seoul, Republic of Korea, 13-14 May 2002)
[091] Meeting of the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) with a view to approving 3 draft revised Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA(Montreal, 2000), Geneva, 21 June 2002
[092] Meeting of Study Group 3 with a view to approving four draft revised Recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 14 June 2002
[093] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations B.12, Annex A to G.100 and P.30.
[094] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations X.581, X.582 and Annex C to Z.120 agreed to by Study Group 17 at its meeting on 8 March 2002
[095] Approval of revised Question 15/11
[096] Study Group 17 Questionnaire on DNICs
[097] Notification of International Network Identification Codes assigned to ATM and Frame Relay networks numbered under E.164
[098] Approval of one new ITU-T Recommendation and discontinuation of the work on one draft new ITU-T Recommendation
[099] Hotel bookings at preferential ITU rates
[100] Workshop on IP/Optical Chitose, Japan, 9-11 July 2002
[101] Questionnaire on optical fibre maintenance criteria for access networks
[102] Questionnaire on environmental usage of optical cables, copper cables, optical components and wooden poles
[103] Questionnaire on issues related to the Unbundling of Network Elements
[104] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendation G.931
[105] ENUM Administration ad interim
[106] Approval of 10 draft new and 1 draft revised ITU-T Recommendations
[107] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations, C.3, E.201, and E.510 agreed to by Study Group 2 at its meeting on 16 May 2002
[108] Various tones used in national networks
[109] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations X.581, X.582 and Annex C to Z.120
[110] Workshop on Satellites in IP and Multimedia, Geneva, 9 – 11 December 2002
[111] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendation J.1 and J. Supplement 4
[112] Proposed deletion of Questions 17/9 and 18/9
[113] Approval of revised Questions 1/9 and 22/9
[114] Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international identification plan for mobile terminals and mobile users
[115] Alerting Network Operators on Data Conversion to Revised Recommendation M.1400
[116] Meeting of Study Group 16 with a view to approving a draft new Recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) - Geneva, 25 October 2002
[117] Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2003
[118] Proposed deletion of ITU-T Recommendations X.208 and X.209 agreed to by Study Group 17 at its meeting on 8 March 2002
[119] Deletion of Questions 17/9 and 18/9
[120] Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS)
[121] Approval of four revised ITU-T Recommendations
[122] Workshop on "Use of Description Techniques" (Geneva, 23 November 2002)
[123] Meeting of Study Group 3 with a view to approving two draft revised and two draft new regional Recommendationsin accordance with the provisions of Resolution 1, Section 9, of WTSA (Montreal, 2000) Geneva, 13 December 2002
[124] Second meeting of the Intersector Coordination Group on Satellite Matters (Geneva, 12 to 13 December 2002)
[125] Developments with respect to Management of Internet Domain Names and Addresses
[126] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations C.3, E.201 and E.510
[127] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendation J.1 and Supplement 4 to the J-Series Recommendations
[128] Recommendation E.129 - Presentation of National Numbering Plans
[129] Approval of three draft revised ITU-T Recommendations
[130] Deletion of ITU-T Recommendations X.208 and X.209
[131] Approval of 1 new and 1 revised Question
[132] Questionnaire on the use of public telecommunication services for emergency and disaster relief operations
[133] Approval of new ITU-T Recommendation Y.1711 and Corrigendum to ITU-T Recommendation Y.1710
[134] Workshop on Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (Geneva, 17-19 February 2003)
[135] Workshop on Member States' Experiences with ccTLDs (ITU Headquarters, Geneva, 3-4 March 2003)
[136] Proposed deletion of Question 14/13 - Access Architecture Principles and Features at the Lower Layers for IP-Based and Other Systems
[158] Replies to the 2003 Questionnaire on conditions for provision of "call-back"
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