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Information Documents to TG 8-1 (1998-2000)

[8-1/INFO/1] UMTS Forum Report on UMTS/IMT-2000 Spectrum requirements
[8-1/INFO/8] Space operation 2 GHz network
[8-1/INFO/9] Participation to ICG IMT-2000 meting
[8-1/INFO/11] WRC-99 Agenda Item 1.6.2 - "Identification of a global radio control channel to facilitate multimode terminal operation and worldwide roaming of IMT-2000
[8-1/INFO/15r1] IMT-2000 WWW Pages
[8-1/INFO/16] Agenda for the third meeting of ICG IMT-2000, Geneva, 9 May 1998
[8-1/INFO/17] Traffic engineering for mobile personal communications in ITU-T
[8-1/INFO/18] Acts project SINUS (Satellite Integration into Network for UMTS Services) - Information papers for WG 3 on S-UMTS WCDMA radio access developed in SINUS
[8-1/INFO/19] Results of a canadian market demand forecast for terrestrial third generation mobile telecommunications (IMT-2000) services for the year 2010
[8-1/INFO/20-1] Report by the UMTS IPR working group
[8-1/INFO/20-2] Report by the UMTS IPR working group
[8-1/INFO/21] Current list of texts - International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000)
[8-1/INFO/22] Preparation of the CPM Report to the WRC-2000
[8-1/INFO/23] Self evaluation Report on Japan's proposal for candidate radio transmission technology on IMT-2000
[8-1/INFO/24] Qualcomm's IPR position
[8-1/INFO/25] The Software Defined Radio (SDR) Forum (formerly the MMITS Forum) - The impact of Step 7 Key Characteristics on wireless devices for IMT-2000
[8-1/INFO/26] Information from the press - In "The Ottawa Citizen", 6 November 1998
[8-1/INFO/27] Report on the Transatlantic Business Dialogue Meeting
[8-1/INFO/28] Proposal for discussion areas for harmonization
[8-1/INFO/29] Harmonization of UTRA with other WCDMA systems (and vice versa)
[8-1/INFO/30] ETSI STC SMG2#28 - Reasons for the convergence of CDMA2000 and W-CDMA/UTRA standards
[8-1/INFO/31] Proposed process for ETSI participation in W-CDMA convergence with cdma2000
[8-1/INFO/32] Conclusions and Recommendations of the TABD meeting of February, 17, 1999 in Washington D.C.
[8-1/INFO/33] Info. Doc. reporting standardization progress of RTT candidate UWC-136

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