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Contributions to SG 1 (1996-97)

[1/1] Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 1 des radiocommunications
[1/1A1] Addendúm 1 - Questions assignées à la Commission d'études 1 des Radiocommunications
[1/2] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.337-3
[1/3] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.856
[1/4-1] Part 1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM. 1046
[1/4-2] Part 2: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1046
[1/4-3] Part 3: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1046
[1/4a1-1] Part 1: Draft addition to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1046 - Definition of spectrum use and efficiency of a radio system
[1/4a1-2] Part 2: Draft addition to Recommendation ITU-R SM.1046 (Figure 1)
[1/5] Draft new Recommendation [1B/AA] Efficient spectrum utilization using probabilistic methods
[1/5a1] Draft addition to draft new Recommendation ITU-R [1B/AA]
[1/6] Draft new Recommendation [1B/AB] Performance functions for digital modulation systems in an interference environment
[1/7] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.668
[1/8] Report on the fourth and last meeting of TG 1/4 (Phase 1)
[1/9] List of documents issued
[1/9a1] Add.1: List of documents issued
[1/10] Report of the meeting of the Rapporteurs'Group for Question 2/2 - Extracts from ITU-D document 2/247(Rev.1)
[1/11] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 1/11] - Wireless power transmission
[1/12] Draft amendment to Recommendation ITU-R SM.328-8
[1/13] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Document 1/13] - Alternative allocation methods
[1/14] Comments on draft handbook 1B, 1B AND 1C - Comments on draft Handbook on "Legal, economic and structural aspects for installation of radio frequency spectrum and monitoring system
[1/15] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc.1/15] Collection and publication of monitoring data to assist frequency assignment for...
[1/15a1] Add.1: Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM[Doc.1/15] - Collection and publication of monitoring data to assist frequency assignment for geostationary satellite systems - Proposal for the content of monitoring reports
[1/16] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.1051 - Priority of identifying and eliminating harmful interference in the band 406 - 406.1 MHz
[1/17] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Document 1/17] - Method of measuring the maximum frequency deviation of FM broadcast emissions at monitoring stations
[1/18] Survey Report on needs of developing countries
[1/19] Draft decision ITU-R [...] - Economic and alternative spectrum management issues
[1/20] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Document 1/20] - Adaptive MF/HF systems
[1/21] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 204/1 - Adaptive systems in the MF/HF bands
[1/22] 1997 CPM report - Section 7.2 - WRC-97 agenda item 1.5: Adaptive MF/HF systems
[1/23] Contribution to the CPM-1997 report - Section 7.1 - Review of Appendix S7 [28] of the Radio Regulations - WRC-97 Agenda item 1.3
[1/24] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc.1/24]
[1/25] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM. [Doc.1/25] - Design guidelines for developing an advanced automated spectrum management system (ASMS)
[1/26] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc.1/26] - Classification of DF-Bearings
[1/27] Note to the Director, BR from Study Group 1 (Working Party 1C)
[1/28] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc.1/28] - Additional information for monitoring purposes related to classification and...
[1/29] Executive Report from Working Party 1B
[1/30] Liaison statement to ITU-D Study Group 2 and the BDT
[1/31] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU/R SM.329.6 - Spurious emissions
[1/31c1] Corr.1: Draft revision of Recommendation ITU/R SM.329-6
[1/32] Draft modification of Recommendation ITU-RSM. 1045 - Frequency tolerance of transmitters
[1/33] Liaison statement to the Special Committee - Possible changes to appendices 34 and 35 as a result of updating Appendix S7[28]
[1/34] Future planning tasks for SG 1 in collaboration with the ITU-D
[1/35] Liaison statement from TG 1/3 to WP A4, WP 7D, WP 8D and WP 10-11S
[1/36] Report on the Meeting in Santa Rosa, 31 October 1996, Ca, USA - Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM 329-6 - Spurious emissions
[1/37] Liaison statement from TG 1/3 to SGs 7 and 8 and WPs 4A and 10-11/S
[1/38] Draft new Question ITU-R [Doc. 1/38] - Unwanted emissions
[1/39] Draft decision ITU-R 1/X - Unwanted emissions and the modification of Recommendation ITU-R SM328-7 concerning out-of-band emissions
[1/40] List of Participants - SG 1, WPs 1A, 1B and 1C, TG 1/3
[1/41] Chairman's Report on the October Meeting, Santa Rosa-California
[1/42] Reply to liaison statement from TG 1/3 - Spurious emissions
[1/43] Reply to liaison statement from TG 1/3 - Monte Carlo method for modelling spurious emissions interference
[1/44] Chairman's Report on the meeting of WP 1C
[1/45] Draft new Decision [Doc. 1/45] - Development of method(s) for the determination of the coordination area around earth stations
[1/46] Projet de nouvelle Question UIT-R [Doc.1/46] Elaboration d'une ou de plusieurs methodes permettant de determiner la zone de coordination des stations terriennes
[1/47,7/115,10-11S/142] Liaison statement to SGs 1 and 7, and to WPs 8D and 10-11s for information
[1/48] Draft Revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.328-8 - Spectra and bandwidth of emissions
[1/49,1-5/2] Reply to liaison statement to ITU-R Study Group 1 spurious emissions from sound broadcasting transmitters operating below 30 MHz
[1/51-1] Part 1: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4] - Radiocommunication data dictionary
[1/51-2] Part 2: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4] - Radiocommunication data dictionary
[1/51-3] Part 3: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4] - Radiocommunication data dictionary
[1/51-4] Part 4: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4] - Radiocommunication data dictionary
[1/51-5] Part 5: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4] - Radiocommunication data dictionary
[1/51-6] Part 6: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4] - Radiocommunication data dictionary
[1/51-7] Part 7: Preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[AA/1-4]
[1/52] Liaison statement to Study Group 1 - Spurious emissions limits
[1/53] Draft Report ITU-R[1/53] - Economic aspects of spectrum management
[1/53r1] Draft report ITU-R[1/53] Economic aspects of spectrum management
[1/53r2] Draft report ITU-R[1/53] Economic aspects of spectrum management
[1/54] Observations to the Study Group 1 Report
[1/57] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R SM.855: Multi-service telecommunication systems
[1/58] Draft revision of Question ITU-R 45-3/1: Techniques and technical criteria for frequency sharing
[1/59] Draft new Recommendation ITU-R SM.[Doc. 1/25] Design guidelines for developing an advanced automated spectrum management systems (ASMS)
[1/59 r1] Revision 1 of Draft new Recommendation ITU-R (Doc. 1/25) Design guidelines for developing an advanced automated spectrum management systems (ASMS)
[1/60] Draft new Question ITU-R [AA/1A]: Technical and operating parameters and spectrum requirements for short-range devices
[1/61] Draft Revision of Question ITU-R 71-1 - The use of spread spectrum techniques
[1/62] Executive Report from Task Group 1/6
[1/63] Survey report of needs of developing countries
[1/64] Structure of the Study Group
[1/68] Draft Resolution [Doc.1/68]: Further studies concerning unwanted emissions, the Radiocommunications data Dictionary and the determination of the coordination area around Earth Stations
[1/69] Draft new Question ITU-R [AC/1C]: Monitoring of the radio coverage of land mobile networks to verify compliance with a given license
[1/70] Liaison statement from Task Group 1/5 to CISPR - Correspondence group set-up between CISPR and ITU-R on emission limits
[1/71] Report of the first meeting of Task Group 1/5 - Geneva, 21-25 July 1997
[1/72] Executive report from Working Party 1B
[1/74] Executive report from Working Party 1A
[1/75] Draft Revision of Resolution 11-1 - Development of automated spectrum management systems

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