INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION RADIOCOMMUNICATION ADVISORY GROUP GENEVA, 23-25 JANUARY 1995 Document RAG95/17-E 21 December 1994 Original: French Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau PUBLICATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS 1 Publication of ITU-R Recommendations 1.1 Of the 594 ITU-R Recommendations in force, 350 are Recommendations which have been maintained and 244 are new or modified Recommendations which have been approved either by the first Radiocommunication Assembly (16 of them) or by correspondence (228 of them). A breakdown of the 594 Recommendations is given below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Series : Status SM IS PN PI S SNG TF SA RA M F SF BS BT BO BR V Total -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maintained (1990, 1992, 1993) 19 1 19 10 35 3 15 9 5 56 75 13 35 20 14 14 7 350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New or modified since the 1993 RA* 15 5 19 9 19 2 5 25 1 45 44 2 8 29 3 8 5 244 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 34 6 38 19 54 5 20 34 6 101 119 15 43 49 17 22 12 594 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 594 Recommendations in force 350 maintained Recommendations (1990, 1992 and 1993) 244 new or modified Recommendations (since the 1993 RA*) 1.2 In accordance with the decision taken at the RAG meeting in April 1994, all the Recommendations in force must be published every four years. The first comprehensive publication covers the 594 Recommendations referred to above. They are distributed in 23 Volumes (per language) representing a total of 15 249 pages: SM SERIES (SG 1) Spectrum management techniques IS SERIES (SG 2 ) Inter-service sharing and compatibility PN SERIES (SG 3) Propagation in non-ionized media PI SERIES (SG 3) Propagation in ionized media S SERIES (SG 4) Fixed-satellite service SNG SERIES (SG 4) Satellite news gathering TF SERIES (SG 7) Time signals and frequency standards emissions SA SERIES (SG 7) Space applications RA SERIES (SG 7) Radioastronomy M SERIES - Part 1(SG 8) Land mobile service excluding Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTS) M SERIES - Part 2(SG 8) Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunication Systems (FPLMTS) M SERIES - Part 3(SG 8) Maritime mobile service and aeronautical mobile service M SERIES - Part 4(SG 8) Radiodetermination service M SERIES - Part 5(SG 8) Mobile satellite services and radiodetermination satellite service M SERIES - Part 6(SG 8) Amateur service and amateur-satellite service F SERIES - Part 1(SG 9) Fixed service - Radio-relay systems F SERIES - Part 2(SG 9) Fixed service - HF systems SF SERIES (SG 4-9) Frequency sharing between the fixed-satellite service and the fixed service BS SERIES (SG 10) Broadcasting service (sound) BT SERIES (SG 11) Broadcasting service (television) BO SERIES (SG 10-11S) Broadcasting-satellite service (sound and television) BR SERIES (SG 10-11R) Sound and television recording V SERIES (CCV) Vocabulary and related subjects 1.3 At 20 January 1995, the situation is as follows: - [ ] volumes are available or at the printing stage; - [ ] volumes, which are being prepared, should be available before the end of [ ] 1995. 2 Publication of ITU-R Reports 2.1 Background The position of the RAG was stated at its first meeting in April 1994 (cf Document RAG94/33(Rev.1) of 10 May 1994, § 7): "7 The RAG endorsed the measures for publication of current reports suggested by the study group chairmen/vice-chairmen (see paragraph 4 of Document CVC-4/10(Rev.1) attached as Annex 3). Particular emphasis was put on the need for the early availability of reliable indexes. The study group chairmen/vice-chairman are invited to provide the categorization of existing reports as outlined in paragraph 4.2 of Annex 3 for the next RAG meeting. The cyclical publication of reports in comprehensive volumes will be reassessed in 1995. While the number of existing reports is decreasing rapidly and new reports will not be very numerous, the means of special publications in accordance with Resolution ITU-R 13 could also be used." 2.2 Current situation and proposals Only two study groups (10 and 11) have adopted new Reports (3) and modified existing Reports (7) of which they are requesting publication (approximately 1 500 pages for the three languages). Given the priority attached to the publication of Recommendations and handbooks and also the publication times** See paragraph 2 of Document CVC-5/8 of 25 November 1994. and costs which "publication" quality would entail, it is proposed that after being officially numbered* the texts in question be grouped together in three fascicles (SG 10, SG 11, 10-11S) and published in an economical format, i.e. in their current format with an ad hoc cover for each fascicle. This would cut the sale price by about 1/3 in comparison with "publication" quality and significantly reduce the publication times. ******