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ITU Geneva, 3 to 5 May 2010



Live meetings

DateTitleAudio/Video or Audio only feeds

Archived meetings

DateTitleAudio/Video or Audio only feeds
03/05/2010 15:00 (GMT+1) Inaugural Session followed by Session 1 – How ICT can contribute to economic and social recovery through stimulus plans: an overview (Room H) FloorEnglishFrançaisEspañol
04/05/2010 09:00 (GMT+1) Session 2 – Investments in broadband and next-generation networks (NGN) to foster development and innovation followed by Session 3 – The contribution of e-government to countries’ competitiveness and public sector efficiency (Room H) FloorEnglishFrançaisEspañol
04/05/2010 15:00 (GMT+1) Session 4 – Economic growth, social opportunities and the liberalization of telecommunications (Room H) FloorEnglishFrançaisEspañol
05/05/2010 09:00 (GMT+1) Session 5 – The negative impact of cybercrime on the financial sector and the economy followed by Session 6 – National regulatory authorities and regulatory frameworks in a changing environment (Room H) FloorEnglishFrançaisEspañol
05/05/2010 14:00 (GMT+1) Session 7 – How the ICT industry is confronting the crisis followed by Next steps: Open Consultation on a Framework for Parliamentary Action (Room H) FloorEnglishFrançaisEspañol

Disclamers may apply:

This is a live or recorded webcast with simultaneous interpretation. It is not intended to be a literal or definitive translation of the proceedings and no liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions by ITU or its staff.

Ceci est une diffusion sur le web en direct ou enregistrée, avec interprétation simultanée. Celle-ci ne saurait constituer une traduction littérale ou définitive des débats. L’UIT ou son personnel ne peuvent être tenus responsables d’éventuelles inexactitudes ou omissions.

Esto es una difusión por la Red, en directo o grabada, de la interpretación simultánea. No se trata de una traducción literal ni definitiva de los debates. No se acepta por tanto responsabilidad alguna en cuanto a las posibles imprecisiones u omisiones cometidas por la UIT o su personal.



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