

H.E. Mr Kosaburo NISHIME
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

20 October 2014

Thank you Mr. Chairman

Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to make a speech at this Conference here in the beautiful city of Busan.

On behalf of the Government of Japan, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the efforts by ITU Secretary-General Dr. Touré and the ITU Secretariat for their preparations as well as the Government of the Republic of Korea who helped to make this Conference possible.

I would also like to express my sincere congratulation to Mr. Min on his election as the Chair of this Conference.

Today, the number of mobile users in the world is about 6.9 billion people and more than 5 billion people are expected to access the Internet in 2025. We could describe the situation as "connected global space" emerging for the first time in human history.

Our mission is to use this "Global space" for the prosperity of humankind and this Conference has a great responsibility to people across the world through its discussions.

We have faced global challenges such as global warming, large-scale natural disasters, infectious diseases and energy problems. Only ICT, which connects the wisdom of humankind, can solve those challenges in a cross-cutting manner.

This means we have to establish a "smart global connected network" which all people can access freely and easily from everywhere, get and share information and knowledge and create value.

This network can only be achieved by respective parties, such as governments, industries, academia, civil societies etc. playing their roles. This will be a huge challenge for humankind. I would like us to all pool our knowledge going forward.

For example, in light of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Japan again recognized the importance of measures against disasters. Once again, we appreciate your support in the wake of the Earthquake.

We can contribute to establishing a disaster-resilient network infrastructure for each country and a global scale disaster-prevention network through sharing our experiences and know-how of the Earthquake with countries all over the world. 

The ITU has been playing an important role to realize an information society in management of radio spectrum, establishment of global standards, and development of telecommunication infrastructure and services. We believe that it is vital for the ITU to continue making these steady efforts.

In order to support the ITU in fulfilling its mandate and its further development, we would like to commit ourselves to the extension of our financial support at 30 units as one of the largest contributors.

We would also like to contribute to the ITU through active participation in ITU activities and in this regard, we seek your support for our candidacy for the Council seat. In addition, we have a highly knowledgeable and experienced candidate, Dr. Yasuhiko Ito, for the RRB member candidacy again and would like to ask for your kind support for him as well.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere wishes for the success of this Conference.

Thank you for your attention.