

Mr Fabio BIGI
Advisor, Ministry of Economic Development

22 October 2014

Mr. President, Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Directors, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I would like to begin by thanking our host, the Government of South Korea, for the hospitality that we are all enjoying.

Italy has a key objective for the development of telecommunications: increase connectivity to all citizens to realize the digital revolution everywhere in all the regions of the world. Starting from the Digital Agenda for Europe, the specific objectives of this action can be found in the digitization of public and private institutions, in the spread of electronic services to all, as well as in the development of ultra-broadband networks capable of supporting services to 100 Mbps and most.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, during the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European LInion, three regulatory instruments of great importance in the telecommunications sector in the EU are nearing completion: the package on the Digital Single Market, the directive on Networks and Information Security and the package relating to the accessibility of web sites. Furthermore last October 14, the Regulation on the identification and trust in electronic services for electronic transactions in the internal market (elDAS) was finally launched.

These objectives were addressed and achieved thanks to the work of all the European Member States, which have acted as a single entity with a single voice.

Now, with regard to my Country, I would like to emphasize that we are about to make stronger our National Broadband Plan developing a National Strategy that will serve as a coordination tool for achieving the necessary synthesis between the implementation of the infrastrticture and the service development. A substantial set of rules is also being considered to encourage the development of infrastructures and services to 30Mbps and 100Mbps.

In this context, in order to really unlock the potential of the digital market, we must consider that the Internet is an essential element. The results of the last EU Informal Council of Ministers of TLC, which was held in Italy last October 2 to 3, have established that Europe will act as a single political entity in the debate on Internet Governance, in order to further develop relations with all stakeholders involved and support the process of reform initiated by ICANN. Net Mundial is recognized to be a good basis for the development of a multi-stakeholder community in a position to represent the evolution of the current Internet Governance model.

The Italian delegation will make all possible efforts so that this Plenipotentiary Conference is a success. In addition, we recognize the activities of ITU, which also will celebrate the 150th anniversary in 2015; in particular its traditional activities in the field of radio communication, standard for telecommunications and development. Through its activities, the Union may reach the 2020 target of the Millennium.

As the head of the Italian delegation I’m proud of the excellent work expressed by Italy in the Council and by Alfredo Magenta within the RRB and I’m happy to support the re-election of both.

Thank you for your time and attention,