
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

H.E. Mr Mahmoud VAEZI
Ministry of Communication and Inforamtion Technology

21 October 2014

In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Secretary General Dr. Hamadoun Toure, Honorable Ministers, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen:

Allow me to thank the people and the government of the host country, the Republic of Korea, for hosting this very important Plenipotentiary Conference and for their kind hospitality.

Mr. Chairman:

The world today is full of serious challenges in many areas. The reality is that there are different views on how to meet these challenges, which at times seem to contradictory. The world today is also a connected world, thanks to the pivotal role of the ITU. In this world, innovation, creativity, and common will amongst different players and stakeholders, in spite of their differences of views, shine a glowing light for a better future. Moreover, past experiences demonstrate that such challenges have been turned into opportunities for growth and development. In this process, whenever there was cooperation amongst all players and stakeholders, better and more efficient results have been produced for the benefit of mankind.

Rapid expansion of communications, in terms of inventing advanced technologies and in terms of creating new services and applications, has provided us with both opportunities and challenges. It is in this light that the ITU as the specialized agency of the United Nations can play a positive and important role in shaping the future of communications. It is the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran to participate actively and constructively in different activities and fora organized by the ITU. Since I took office last year, our positive contributions in WTDC in Dubai, and in WSIS+10 in Geneva were considered essential in their successful conclusions.

Honorable Ministers:

Since last year, on many occasions, I have met my counterparts. It is with utmost pleasure that I am informing you that such meetings have been instrumental in better understanding and in forming new partnerships. This would continue in the future, and better, more in-depth outcomes would flourish. I am happy to inform you that the Islamic Republic of Iran has put forward its candidature for membership in the ITU Council for 2014 to 2018. I am asking for your positive votes that would provide us with the opportunity to participate actively and positively in the works of the Council as was the case in the past. Moreover, Mr. Darvishi is our candidate for membership in RRB; and I hope to have your positive votes in his case as well.

Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates:

It is with much pleasure that I am informing you that since last year, we have doubled the capacity of our countrywide fiber optics network to 1.2 tera bits per second, and have issued two new 3G and 4G licenses to incumbent operators. We will continue to expand further with more vigor and determination. In this regard, Iran's geographical location is strategic in establishing East-West and South-North connections. I am happy to emphasize our commitment to encourage and facilitate establishment of partnerships for ultra broadband corridors across Iran to facilitate and create such connections to complement existing facilities. I invite all interested parties to become partners in such projects.

Mr. Chairman:

I am confident that with your able and wise chairmanship, this conference will become a successful one. I wish all participants a pleasant and productive participation in the conference.

I thank you for your attention.