
Indonesia (Republic of)

H.E. Mr Muhammad Budi SETIAWAN
Vice Minister
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

22 October 2014

Your Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to congratulate the Republic of Korea on hosting this significant Conference, and to congratulate Mr. Wonki Min on his appointment as the Chairman of this Conference.  

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate Indonesia's insights regarding ITU's vision and strategic goals for the forthcoming year 2016-2019. It is time for all countries to move forward, hand-in-hand to co-assist developing countries and those least developed one to enable their technology leapfrog, so that ICT advances, particularly IT and broadband, may innovate all the worlds' inhabitants.

Your Excellencies, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

As the telecommunication ecosystem evolves into a broadband ecosystem, this "fast paced organism", many countries possibly poses difficulty, particularly developing countries, to catch up to its evolution. ITU targets high figures to be accomplished by 2020, in terms of access to internet, broadband and to more affordable ICTs. The new government of Indonesia, which was just inaugurated 2 days ago, continues to align its national ICT policies to ITU's vision and global ICT targets for 2020, in order to create an informative, prosperous society through several milestones in the ICT sector and hope that ICT advances may accelerate our technological competitiveness, and economic growth.

Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,

ITU plays an important role in the development of global telecommunications and it must be maintained in the emerging era of the ICT industry today. It should play a more pivotal role in helping developing countries to gain the ability to transform their telecommunications industry into a converging broadband industry.

In the process of transforming the telecommunications industry into a broadband industry in developing countries and 2015 broadband commission target, the ITU should perform the function of providing assistance, recommendations and direct assistance to developing countries.

Mr. Chairman, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Indonesia strongly encourages ITU to take a stronger role in shaping the internet or cyber ecosystem of the future, particularly its aspects regarding universally accepted values, security, and legislation. As the internet becomes more proliferated, it is the main concern of governments, civil society, and businesses to ensure that its growth does not exceed its capacity to protect its users from its threats that may arise from within, Indonesia is of the view that not only the growth and dissemination of ICTs needs to be strengthened but also the needs to campaign its safe uses, security, and minimizing its impacts towards national digital sovereignty.

Mr. Chairman, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Finally, Indonesia views that the current and future ITU should be managed by the ITU management and the Council. For those reasons, I would like to underline that Indonesia has always been committed to the work of the ITU vision, which has been reflected in Indonesia's past contributions to the ITU. Furthermore, as the first developing country that has its own satellite since the 1970s, and has been extensively using various satellite frequency bands, Indonesia is highly familiar with satellite matters and cases, and thus nominates one of its best experts in satellite industry,  Dr. Meiditomo Sutyarjoko as a member of the Radio Regulations Board for the period 2015-2019. He is one of the most prominent citizens with technically advanced and extensive business experience, as well as regulatory background. Therefore, the government of Indonesia would like to invite the kind support of fellow member states towards our candidature for re-election as a member of ITU Council Region E, for the period of 2014-2018, and candidature of Dr. Meiditomo Sutyarjoko as a member of the Radio Regulations Board.

Mr. Chairman, Ladies, and Gentlemen,

Lastly, I would like to extend our warmest invitation to kindly participate in our Indonesian Night Reception, which will be conducted tonight at Haeundae Centum Hotel, at 9 PM, which is just across the street from BEXCO.  

I hereby conclude my statement, thank you.