
Brazil (Federative Republic of)

Mr Jeferson Fued NACIF
Head, International Affairs

21 October 2014

Mr Chairman, Honorable Ministers and Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is an honor to address this conference on behalf of the Government of Brazil.

We wish to congratulate the Government of Korea for hosting this important conference and to express our appreciation for the warm welcome we have received.

We would like to thank all Member States for Brazil's election to the last period of the ITU Council at PP-10. We hope our work at Council and in almost every ITU group and Conferences in the last four years has been up to your expectations and has met your trust on us. We would be thankful if we could again receive your vote for a new term in the Council.

We would also like to express our honor in chairing or co-chairing many groups during this period, in particular the Council Working Group on the Strategic and Financial Plans of the Union for 2016-2019. The group elaborated a very comprehensive strategic plan, which we will be discussed at this conference. This new strategic plan will surely drive the ITU and global ICTs towards a bright and sustainable future.

Mr. Chairman,

During the last couple of years we have advanced significantly on discussing the evolution of the Internet.

Last year, Brazil addressed the issue of telecommunications, cybersecurity and Internet governance in the general assembly of the United Nations.

At that assembly, our president statement affirmed, "Telecommunications and information technology cannot become a new battlefield between States. This is the moment of creating conditions to avoid that the cyberspace is instrumented as a war of weapon, though espionage, sabotage and attacks towards systems and infrastructure of other countries. The UN should play a leading role in the efforts of regulating the behavior of States against the illicit use of technologies and certain methods so as to promote the importance of the Internet as a social network for the construction of democracy in the world."

Cyber security is a sensitive issue that involves many different agencies and stakeholders, but the ITU definitely has its role, as reflected in Action Line 5 of WSIS Tunis Agenda, Plenipotentiary Resolutions and the Dubai Action Plan. The new strategic plan highlights this role in strategic goal 3 in which the ITU and all its members play a role in mitigating the negative externalities on the use of ICTs, and produce positive and sustainable outcomes and outputs for the global community.

Regarding Internet governance, Brazilian President highlighted the need to establish multilateral mechanisms capable of guaranteeing principles, such as:
Towards this end, Brazil held last April the Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance, also known as NETmundial. The meeting discussed Internet Governance Principles and a Roadmap for the future evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem.

The initiative aimed at creating democratic relations among governments, and between governments and organizations, creating an environment where all stakeholders saw the process as legitimate.

The outcome of the meeting was a non-binding document prepared by multistakeholders from around the world. We believe that some of the experiences deployed in NetMundial may contribute to the evolution of the Internet governance.

Our international policy has found echo in our domestic policy and the Congress approved the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, a law that establishes principles and rights, and governs the usage of the Internet in Brazil.

In this regard, Brazil will continue to be an active player in the support of privacy rights, confidentiality and data integrity. We believe in the implementation of a responsible regulation that assures a free and neutral Internet that serves the interests of peace, connection of people and circulation of information.            

Convinced that ICTs are a crucial instrument for social and economic development The Brazilian Administration is committed to implementing consistent and ambitious public policies under the National Broadband Plan. The goals of the Plan include the expansion of the networks the availability of affordable devices and broadband service.
As you can see, growth of ICTs, digital inclusion, sustainability and innovation, as much as the new ITU Strategic goals, are also the building blocks of Brazil's goals and policies for ICTs in the middle to long-term. This is not a coincidence; this is evidence that Brazil is very much aligned with the goals of the ITU. It is also an indication that Brazil and the ITU will greatly benefit from the synergy of working together, sharing the same goals. We look forward to continuing our active participation in this very much appreciated and important Union.

Thank you Mr Chairman