1     Scope
        1.1     Purpose
        1.2     Objective
        1.3     Non-objectives
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Other ITU-T Recommendations
        2.3    Other specifications
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined in the ODP reference model: Foundations
        3.2     Terms defined in the ODP reference model: Architecture
        3.3     Definitions for distributed processing environment architecture
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Introduction
        5.1     DPE architecture
        5.2     DPE reference points
        5.3     Extensions to CORBA
 6     Engineering modelling concepts
        6.1     Object life cycle
        6.2     Communication in the DPE
                  6.2.1     Operational communication
                  6.2.2     Stream communication
        6.3     Computational to engineering view mapping
        6.4     Bindings
                  6.4.1     Operational vs stream binding
                  6.4.2     Explicit vs implicit bindings
        6.5     Channels
        6.6     Elaboration on the bindings
                  6.6.1     Introduction
                  6.6.2     Programmable stream interfaces
                  6.6.3     Control and management of media streams
 7     Kernel transport network
        7.1     Messaging layer
        7.2     Transport layer
        7.3     DPE requirements
 8     DPE interoperability
        8.1     Interoperability framework
        8.2     DPE extensions to CORBA 2 interoperability
 9     Engineering services provided by the DPE kernel
        9.1     Introduction
        9.2     Approach to real-time
        9.3     Requirements on the execution model
        9.4     Modularity requirements
                  9.4.1     Flexible DPE architecture
                  9.4.2     Multi-protocol support
                  9.4.3     Generic communication scheme
                  9.4.4     Support for flexible binding
        9.5     Functional requirements
                  9.5.1     Support for stream interfaces
                  9.5.2     Multithreading support
                  9.5.3     A flexible event-to-thread mapping
                  9.5.4     Concurrency management
                  9.5.5     Generic scheduling scheme
                  9.5.6     Time service
        9.6     Non-functional requirements
                  9.6.1     Object granularity
                  9.6.2     Small memory footprint
                  9.6.3     Documented time behaviour
        9.7     Multiple interfaces
10     Object services
       10.1     Introduction
11     Bibliography
Annex A – Business modelling concepts – A framework for the propagation of  requirements in an open telecommunication market
        A.1     Scope
        A.2     Terms and definitions
        A.3     Business modelling concepts
                  A.3.1     Framework
                  A.3.2     Segmentation of reference points
                  A.3.3     Combination of business roles into business administrative domains
                  A.3.4     Delegation
Annex B – Engineering modelling concepts
        B.1     Basic concepts
Appendix I – Object life cycle scenario
Appendix II – Flexible binding
Appendix III – Issues for the support of stream interfaces