1     Scope 
        1.1     Goal modelling with URN  
        1.2     Scenario modelling with URN  
        1.3     Documentation structure 
 2     References 
 3     Definitions 
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms 
 5     Conventions 
        5.1     Grammars 
        5.2     Basic definitions 
                  5.2.1     Validity 
        5.3     Presentation style 
                  5.3.1     Division of text
                  5.3.2     Titled enumeration items 
 6     URN basic structural features 
        6.1     URN abstract grammar metaclasses 
                  6.1.1     URNspec 
                  6.1.2     URNmodelElement
                  6.1.3     URNlink 
                  6.1.4     Metadata 
                  6.1.5     Concern 
                  6.1.6     Condition 
        6.2     URN concrete grammar metaclasses 
                  6.2.1     ConcreteURNspec 
                  6.2.2     Description 
                  6.2.3     ConcreteCondition 
 7     GRL features 
        7.1     GRL basic structural features 
                  7.1.1     GRLspec 
                  7.1.2     GRLmodelElement
                  7.1.3     GRLLinkableElement
        7.2     GRL actors 
                  7.2.1     Actor
        7.3     GRL intentional elements 
                  7.3.1     IntentionalElement
                  7.3.2     IntentionalElementType 
                  7.3.3     ImportanceType 
        7.4     GRL links 
                  7.4.1     ElementLink 
                  7.4.2     Contribution 
                  7.4.3     ContributionType 
                  7.4.4     Dependency 
                  7.4.5     Decomposition 
                  7.4.6     DecompositionType 
        7.5     GRL strategies 
                  7.5.1     StrategiesGroup 
                  7.5.2     EvaluationStrategy 
                  7.5.3     Evaluation 
                  7.5.4     QualitativeLabel
        7.6     GRL concrete grammar metaclasses 
                  7.6.1     ConcreteGRLspec 
                  7.6.2     GRLGraph 
                  7.6.3     ActorRef 
                  7.6.4     GRLNode 
                  7.6.5     IntentionalElementRef 
                  7.6.6     CollapsedActorRef 
                  7.6.7     LinkRef 
                  7.6.8     Label
                  7.6.9     LinkRefBendpoint
                  7.6.10     Position 
                  7.6.11     Size 
                  7.6.12     ConcreteStyle 
                  7.6.13     Comment
 8     UCM features 
        8.1     UCM basic structural features 
                  8.1.1     UCMspec 
                  8.1.2     UCMmodelElement
        8.2     UCM maps and path nodes 
                  8.2.1     UCMmap 
                  8.2.2     PathNode 
                  8.2.3     NodeConnection 
                  8.2.4     Responsibility 
                  8.2.5     RespRef 
                  8.2.6     StartPoint
                  8.2.7     EndPoint
                  8.2.8     OrFork 
                  8.2.9     OrJoin 
                  8.2.10     AndFork 
                  8.2.11     AndJoin 
                  8.2.12     EmptyPoint
                  8.2.13     WaitingPlace 
                  8.2.14     Timer
                  8.2.15     WaitKind 
                  8.2.16     Connect
        8.3     UCM stubs and plug-ins 
                  8.3.1     Stub 
                  8.3.2     PluginBinding 
                  8.3.3     InBinding 
                  8.3.4     OutBinding 
        8.4     UCM components 
                  8.4.1     Component
                  8.4.2     ComponentType 
                  8.4.3     ComponentKind 
                  8.4.4     ComponentRef 
                  8.4.5     ComponentBinding 
        8.5     UCM scenario definitions 
                  8.5.1     ScenarioGroup 
                  8.5.2     ScenarioDef 
                  8.5.3     Initialization 
                  8.5.4     Variable 
                  8.5.5     EnumerationType 
                  8.5.6     DatatypeKind 
        8.6     UCM performance annotations 
                  8.6.1     Workload 
                  8.6.2     TimeUnit
                  8.6.3     ClosedWorkload 
                  8.6.4     OpenWorkload 
                  8.6.5     OWPoisson 
                  8.6.6     OWPeriodic 
                  8.6.7     OWUniform  
                  8.6.8     OWPhaseType 
                  8.6.9     GeneralResource 
                  8.6.10     PassiveResource 
                  8.6.11     ActiveResource 
                  8.6.12     ProcessingResource 
                  8.6.13     DeviceKind 
                  8.6.14     ExternalOperation 
                  8.6.15     Demand 
        8.7     UCM concrete grammar metaclasses 
                  8.7.1     DirectionArrow  
 9     Data language 
        9.1     URN data model
        9.2     URN data types 
                  9.2.1     Boolean 
                  9.2.2     Integer
                  9.2.3     Enumeration 
        9.3     Grammar for expressions 
        9.4     Grammar for actions 
10     URN interchange format
11     URN analysis 
       11.1     GRL model evaluation 
       11.2     UCM scenario path traversal
                  11.2.1     Overview  
                  11.2.2     Requirements for path traversal mechanism  
12     Compliance statement
13     Tool compliance 
       13.1     Definitions of valid tools 
                  13.1.1     Compliant URN tool
                  13.1.2     Valid URN tool
                  13.1.3     Valid graphical URN tool
                  13.1.4     Compliant GRL tool
                  13.1.5     Valid GRL tool
                  13.1.6     Valid graphical GRL tool
                  13.1.7     Compliant UCM tool
                  13.1.8     Valid UCM tool
                  13.1.9     Valid graphical UCM tool
       13.2     Conformance 
Annex A – URN Interchange Format: XML Schema    
Appendix I – Summary of the URN Notation    
        I.1       Summary of Abstract Metamodel
        I.2       Summary of Concrete Metamodel
        I.3       Summary of URN Symbols 
Appendix II – Examples of GRL Model Evaluation Algorithms    
       II.1     Introduction 
                  II.1.1     Overview and characteristics 
                  II.1.2     Generic algorithm overview  
       II.2     Example of quantitative evaluation algorithm  
                  II.2.1     Calculating quantitative evaluations for decomposition links 
                  II.2.2     Calculating quantitative evaluations for contribution links 
                  II.2.3     Calculating quantitative evaluations for dependency links 
                  II.2.4     Calculating quantitative evaluations for actors 
       II.3     Example of qualitative evaluation algorithm  
                  II.3.1     Calculating qualitative evaluations for decomposition links 
                  II.3.2     Calculating qualitative evaluations for contribution links 
                  II.3.3     Calculating qualitative evaluations for dependency links 
                  II.3.4     Calculating qualitative evaluations for actors 
       II.4     Example of hybrid evaluation algorithm  
                  II.4.1     Calculating hybrid evaluations for decomposition links 
                  II.4.2     Calculating hybrid evaluations for contribution links 
                  II.4.3     Calculating hybrid evaluations for dependency links 
                  II.4.4     Calculating hybrid evaluations for actors 
Appendix III – Examples of UCM Path Traversal Mechanisms    
      III.1     Introduction 
      III.2     Example of depth-first UCM path traversal mechanism  
      III.3     Example of breadth-first UCM path traversal mechanism