1     Introduction      
        1.1     Objectives of MSC           
        1.2     Organization of the Recommendation         
        1.3     Meta-language for textual grammar
        1.4     Meta-language for graphical grammar         
 2     General Rules   
        2.1     Lexical Rules         
        2.2     Visibility and Naming Rules
        2.3     Comment  
        2.4     Drawing Rules       
        2.5     Paging of MSCs    
 3     Message Sequence Chart document         
 4     Basic MSC
        4.1     Message Sequence Chart  
        4.2     Instance  
        4.3     Message 
        4.4     Control Flow         
        4.5     Environment and Gates      
        4.6     General ordering    
        4.7     Condition  
        4.8     Timer     
        4.9     Action    
       4.10     Instance creation   
       4.11     Instance stop        
 5     Data concepts  
        5.1     Introduction           
        5.2     Syntax interface to external data languages 
        5.3     Semantic interface to external data languages          
        5.4     Declaring data       
        5.5     Static Data
        5.6     Dynamic Data        
        5.7     Bindings 
        5.8     Data in message and timer parameters        
        5.9     Data in instance creation parameters           
       5.10     Data in action boxes         
       5.11     Assumed Data Types        
 6     Time concepts  
        6.1     Timed Semantics   
        6.2     Relative Timing      
        6.3     Absolute Timing     
        6.4     Time Domain         
        6.5     Static and Dynamic Time Variables
        6.6     Time Offset           
        6.7     Time Points, Measurements, and Intervals  
        6.8     Time Points           
        6.9     Measurements       
       6.10     Time Interval        
 7     Structural concepts          
        7.1     Coregion
        7.2     Inline expression    
        7.3     MSC reference      
        7.4     Instance decomposition      
        7.5     High-level MSC (HMSC)  
 8     Message Sequence Chart Document        
        8.1     MSC Documents   
        8.2     Instance decomposition      
        8.3     Instance Inheritance           
 9     Simple Message Sequence Charts
        9.1     Basic MSC           
        9.2     Message overtaking           
        9.3     MSC basic concepts         
        9.4     MSC-composition through labelled conditions        
        9.5     MSC with time supervision
        9.6     MSC with message loss     
        9.7     Local conditions    
10     Data   
11     Time  
12     Creating and terminating processes          
13     Coregion   
14     General ordering 
       14.1     Generalized ordering within a coregion      
       14.2     Generalized ordering between different instances   
15     Inline Expressions           
       15.1     Inline Expression with alternative composition        
       15.2     Inline Expression with gates           
       15.3     Inline Expression with parallel composition
16     MSC references 
       16.1     MSC reference     
       16.2     MSC reference with gate  
17     High-Level MSC (HMSC)         
       17.1     High-Level MSC with free loop    
       17.2     High-Level MSC with loop           
       17.3     High-Level MSC with alternative composition       
       17.4     High-Level MSC with parallel composition
Annex A –Index