Table of Contents

 1     Scope and objective  
        1.1     Objective           
        1.2     Application       
 2     References   
 3     Definitions   
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere
        3.2     Term defined in this Recommendation       
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms  
 5     Conventions
 6     General rules               
        6.1     Lexical rules – text in a comment area       
        6.2     End terminator, comment and comment area          
        6.3     Text extension  
        6.4     Solid association symbol
        6.5     The metasymbol is followed by and flow line symbol without arrowhead          
        6.6     Names and identifiers, name resolution and visibility – additional diagrams      
        6.7     Macro
        6.8     Informal text    
        6.9     Text symbol      
       6.10     Frame symbol, page numbers and multiple page diagrams   
       6.11     Drawing rules   
 7     Organization of Specification and Description Language specifications        
        7.1     Framework        
        7.2     Package             
        7.3     Referenced definition     
 8     Structural concepts    
        8.1     Types, instances and gates            
        8.2     Type references and operation references  
        8.3     Context parameters        
        8.4     Specialization   
 9     Agents          
        9.1     System               
        9.2     Block  
        9.3     Process               
        9.4     Procedure          
        9.5     Agent and composite state reference           
       10.1     Channel            
       10.2     Connection      
       10.3     Signal
       10.4     Signal list area 
11     Behaviour  
       11.1     Start  
       11.2     State  
       11.3     Input 
       11.4     Priority input    
       11.5     Continuous signal           
       11.6     Enabling condition         
       11.7     Save  
       11.8     Implicit transition           
       11.9     Spontaneous transition 
      11.10     Label (connector name)              
      11.11     State machine and composite state          
      11.12     Transition       
      11.13     Action              
      11.14     Statement lists               
      11.15     Timer               
12     Data            
       12.1     Data definitions              
       12.2     Use of data      
       12.3     Active use of data          
13     Generic system definition        
       13.1     Optional definition