ITU-T Rec. Z.100 - Annex F2 - Specification and description language (SDL) Summary Source FOREWORD CONTENTS Specification and description language (SDL) Annex F2: SDL formal definition: Static semantics 1 Overview of the Static Semantics 1.1 Grammar 1.2 Well-formedness Conditions 1.3 Transformation Rules 1.4 Definitions Used from Annex F1 2 Static Semantics 2.1 General Definitions 2.2 Visibility Rules, Names and Identifiers 2.3 Informal Text 2.4 General Framework 2.5 Structural Concepts 2.6 Agents 2.7 Communication 2.8 Behaviour 2.9 Data 3 Transformation of SDL Shorthands APPENDIX I INDEX I.1 Functions I.2 Domains I.3 AS0 Nonterminals I.4 AS1 Nonterminals