Rec. ITU-T Y.4467 (01/2020) Minimum set of data structure for automotive emergency response system
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview of MSD for AERS
7 Minimum set of data
     7.1 MSD version
     7.2 Mandatory information
          7.2.1 messageIdentifier
          7.2.2 timestamp
          7.2.3 controlType
          7.2.4 vehicleType
          7.2.5 vehicleIdentificationNumber
          7.2.6 vehicleLocation
          7.2.7 timestampOfRecentVehicleLocationN1, timestampOfRecentVehicleLocationN2, recentVehicleLocationN1, recentVehicleLocationN2
          7.2.8 timestampOfVehicleDirection
          7.2.9 vehicleDirection
          7.2.10 callbackNumber
          7.2.11 numberOfPassengers
          7.2.12 vehiclePropulsionStorageType
     7.3 Optional information of MSD
          7.3.1 objectIdentifier
          7.3.2 data
8 Encoding rule for MSD
9 Security considerations
Appendix I  MSD encoding example using IETF RFC 7049
Appendix II  Vehicle type example
Appendix III  Vehicle location calculation example