Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Overview of big data in the IoT         
        6.1     Data characteristics in the IoT
        6.2     IoT data roles
        6.3     Challenges of the IoT from the IoT data roles perspective         
 7     Requirements of the IoT for big data             
        7.1     IoT data operations in the IoT for big data        
        7.2     Requirements of the device for big data           
        7.3     Requirements of the gateway for big data       
        7.4     Requirements of the network for big data       
        7.5     Requirements of the IoT platform for big data
        7.6     Requirements of the IoT application server for big data            
 8     Capabilities of the IoT for big data   
        8.1     Overview       
        8.2     Big data collection      
        8.3     Big data pre-processing           
        8.4     Big data analysis         
        8.5     Big data transfer         
        8.6     Big data storage          
        8.7     Big data time synchronization management   
        8.8     Big data visualization
        8.9     Big data query             
       8.10     Big data security and privacy protection          
Appendix I – Use case with IoT big data characteristics    
        I.1                  City environment monitoring     
Appendix IIRelationships among IoT data roles, IoT business roles, IoT data operations  and IoT components    
       II.1     Relationships between IoT data roles and IoT business roles     
       II.2     Relationships between IoT data roles and IoT data operations 
       II.3     Relationships between IoT data operations and IoT components            