Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Introduction of management and control mechanisms of bDDN        
        6.1     Overview of closed loop of management and control mechanisms       
        6.2     Sensing aspect             
        6.3     Analysis and prediction aspect              
        6.4     Orchestration and control aspect        
        6.5     Configuration and programming aspect            
 7     Active sensing mechanism of bDDN
        7.1     Sensing interface        
        7.2     Management plane sensing   
        7.3     Network plane sensing            
        7.4     External data and event sensing          
 8     Data analysis mechanism of bDDN  
        8.1     Data analysis function              
        8.2     Data analysis mechanism        
 9     Control mechanism of bDDN             
        9.1     Control closed loop in bDDN  
        9.2     Control procedure based on machine learning in bDDN             
        9.3     Artificial intelligence from the big data plane 
       10.1     Network anomaly prediction based on data   
       10.2     Fault diagnosis based on alarm and performance event           
       10.3     Network intelligent planning based on community discovery 
11     Orchestration mechanisms of bDDN             
       11.1     One domain resource orchestration 
       11.2     Multi-domain resource orchestration
12     Security considerations      