Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere          
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation              
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms
 5     Conventions             
 6     Overview of inter-cloud data management   
        6.1     Inter-cloud data categorization             
        6.2     Data policy language  
        6.3     Inter-cloud data policy-based management       
        6.4     Relationship with cloud computing reference architecture          
 7     Functional requirements for inter-cloud data policy   
        7.1     Data policy language  
        7.2     Inter-cloud data policy administration point      
        7.3     Inter-cloud data policy information point           
        7.4     Inter-cloud data policy decision point   
        7.5     Inter-cloud data policy enforcement point         
        7.6     Inter-cloud data policy monitoring        
        7.7     Inter-cloud dynamic data policy management   
        7.8     Inter-cloud autonomic data policy management             
        7.9     Inter-cloud cognitive data policy management 
 8     Functional requirements for inter-cloud data isolation and protection
        8.1     Datasets placement policies among different CSPs         
        8.2     Data movement regulation across geographical borders              
 9     Functional requirements for inter-cloud data management     
        9.1     Inter-cloud data use policies    
        9.2     Secure data management of the SaaS replication model in inter-cloud    
        9.3     Secure data management of the SaaS partition model in inter-cloud        
        9.4     Secure data management of the SaaS data partition model in inter-cloud             
10     Security considerations       
Appendix I - Use case of inter-cloud data management    
        I.1     Use case template        
        I.2     Use case of data use policies in inter-cloud         
        I.3     Use case of secure data management of the SaaS replication model in inter-cloud              
        I.4     Use case of secure data management of the SaaS partition model in inter-cloud  
        I.5     Use case of secure data management of the SaaS data partition model in inter-cloud              
        I.6     Use case of data policy language           
        I.7     Use case of CSC data policy implementation in inter-cloud           
        I.8     Use case of data placement policies for data-intensive applications in the inter-cloud environment    
        I.9     Use case of data regulation across different countries in the inter-cloud environment              