Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References  
 3     Definitions   
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere              
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation      
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms    
 5     Conventions
 6     Overview of cloud service brokerage    
        6.1     Introduction to cloud service broker           
        6.2     Introduction to cloud service brokerage     
        6.3     Service model of cloud service brokerage 
        6.4     Configuration of cloud service brokerage   
 7     Functional requirements of cloud service brokerage         
        7.1     Functional requirements for workspace     
        7.2     Functional requirements for product catalogue management
        7.3     Functional requirements for contract management 
        7.4     Functional requirements for cloud service access management            
        7.5     Functional requirements for cloud service management        
 8     Security considerations             
Appendix I – Use cases of cloud service brokerage    
Appendix II – Relationship between the logical components and  the activities of cloud service broker for CSB    