Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere          
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation              
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms
 5     Convention
 6     Introduction to desktop as a service (DaaS)   
        6.1     Main advantages of DaaS         
        6.2     General configuration for DaaS              
        6.3     Interaction between DaaS components              
 7     DaaS general requirements  
 8     DaaS functional requirements            
        8.1     Operation and management requirements         
        8.2     DaaS platform-side functional requirements      
        8.3     DaaS client-side functional requirements            
        8.4     DaaS platform-DaaS client interaction functional requirements  
        8.5     DaaS security requirements      
 9     Security considerations         
Appendix I – Relationship between DaaS logical components and the cloud computing reference architecture    
Appendix II – DaaS client classification    
Appendix III – DaaS use cases    
Appendix IV – Value for response time limit    
Appendix V – Service provisioning based on CSC types in DaaS    
        V.1     Types of cloud service customer            
        V.2     User account provisioning based on CSC types in DaaS  
        V.3     Service provisioning in DaaS    