Table of Contents

 1     Scope  
 2     References 
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere 
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation  
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms 
 5     Conventions 
 6     Introduction of intelligent awareness of network status 
 7     Overview of mechanism for intelligent awareness of network status 
        7.1     General model for intelligent awareness of network status 
        7.2     General procedure for intelligent awareness of network status 
        7.3     The main methods for intelligent awareness of network status 
 8     Mechanism of intelligent awareness for network fault 
        8.1     Overview of intelligent awareness for network fault 
        8.2     Multiple-dimensional network status data collecting 
        8.3     Network fault correlation analysis based on multiple-dimensional network status data 
        8.4     Root errors finding based on the network fault tracing 
        8.5     Future fault prediction  
        8.6     Network fault related proposal generating 
 9     Mechanism for intelligent awareness of network performance  
        9.1     Overview of mechanism for intelligent awareness of network performance 
        9.2     Directly performance data collecting 
        9.3     Analysis for the collected performance data 
        9.4     Performance prediction based on machine learning 
        9.5     Performance related proposal generating based on machine learning 
10     Mechanism for intelligent awareness of network resource  
       10.1     Overview of mechanism for intelligent awareness of network resource  
       10.2     Network resource data collecting 
       10.3     Network resource awareness and analysis 
       10.4     Physical resource lifetime prediction  
       10.5     Physical resource proposal generating based on machine learning 
11     Mechanism for intelligent awareness of network load  
       11.1     Overview of mechanism for intelligent awareness of network load  
       11.2     Network load data collecting 
       11.3     Correlation analysis for network load&resource&time  
       11.4     Future network load prediction based on machine learning 
       11.5     Network load related proposal generating based on machine learning 
12     Mechanism for intelligent awareness of other network statuses 
       12.1     Mechanism for intelligent awareness of network physical environment 
       12.2     Mechanism for intelligent awareness of network partner context 
13     Security consideration