
ITU-T Recommendation Y.2701 provides security requirements for next generation networks (NGNs) and its interfaces (e.g., UNIs, NNIs and ANIs) by applying ITU-T Rec. X.805, Security architecture for systems providing end-to-end communications to ITU-T Recs Y.2201, NGN release 1 requirements and Y.2012, Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN release 1.

The requirements are to provide network-based security of end user communications across multiple-network administrative domains. Security of customer assets and information in the customer domain (e.g., user network), and the use of peer-to-peer application capabilities on customer equipment are not within the scope of this Recommendation.

This Recommendation uses trust model based on network elements (physical boxes). NGN providers will be deploying network elementsthat support the functional entities defined in ITU-T Rec. Y.2012. The bundling of these functional entities to a given network element will vary, depending on the vendor. Therefore, this Recommendation will not attempt to show a strict and fixed bundling between logical functional entities and physical network elements.

The requirements in this Recommendation should be treated as a minimum set of security requirements, and NGN providersare encouraged to take additional measures beyond those specified in Recommendations for NGN security.