Recommendation ITU-T Y.2344 (01/204) Scenarios and requirements of intent-based network for network evolution
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview of intent-based network
7 Framework of the intent-based network for network evolution
8 General requirements of intent-based network for network evolution
9 Capability requirements of intent-based network for network evolution
     9.1 Capability requirements of intent layer
     9.2 Capability requirements of the control layer
     9.3 Capability requirements of network layer
10 Workflow of intent-based network
     10.1 Intent instantiation
     10.2 Update intent instance
11 Security considerations
Annex A  Use cases of intent-based network
     A.1 Guarantee scheme of E2E services support by IBN
     A.2 Business intent implementation method support by IBN
     A.3 Connectivity and cloud services support by IBN
Appendix I   Typical scenarios of intent-based network for network evolution
     I.1 Scenarios for online shopping
     I.2 Scenarios for the data centre