1     Scope        
 2     References             
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere      
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation          
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms           
 5     Conventions           
 6     USN description and characteristics
 7     Service requirements of USN applications and services         
        7.1     Sensor network management
        7.2     Profile management 
        7.3     Open service environment    
        7.4     Quality of service (QoS) support         
        7.5     Connectivity 
        7.6     Location-based service support          
        7.7     Mobility support       
        7.8     Security        
        7.9     Identification, authentication and authorization           
       7.10     Privacy        
       7.11     Accounting and charging      
 8     NGN capability requirements for support of USN applications and services    
        8.1     Requirements for extensions or additions to NGN capabilities 
        8.2     Requirements supported by existing NGN capabilities 
 9     Reference diagram of NGN capabilities for support of USN applications and services 
10     Security considerations      
Appendix I – Use-cases of USN applications and services    
        I.1               Weather information service     
        I.2               Healthcare service        
        I.3               Environmental and situational information service using public transportation      
Appendix II – Capability requirements for support of USN applications and services not directly affecting the NGN    
       II.1     Power conservation (sensors node)     
       II.2     Network formation: auto-configuration and self-healing (sensor networks)        
       II.3     Addressing mechanisms         
       II.4     ID design       
       II.5     Sensor nodes mobility support
       II.6     Secure control messages        
       II.7     Lightweight routing   
       II.8     Connectivity  