Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere        
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation            
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions             
 6     Basis of IoT application support models        
        6.1     Concepts and purpose of IoT application support models          
        6.2     Rationale for the selection of the IoT applications support models        
        6.3     The three views of IoT application support models       
 7     The configurable application support model               
        7.1     The description of the configurable application support model               
        7.2     The capabilities of the configurable application support model
 8     The adaptable application support model    
        8.1     The description of the adaptable application support model    
        8.2     The capabilities of the adaptable application support model    
 9     The reliable application support model         
        9.1     The description of the high reliable application support model
        9.2     The capabilities of the reliable application support model          
10     Security considerations      
Annex A – The list of configurable capabilities for support of IoT applications    
Annex B – The list of adaptable capabilities for support of IoT applications    
Annex C – The list of reliable capabilities for support of IoT applications    
Appendix I – Use cases for the IoT applications support models from the smart home environment    
        I.1     Use case 1: Configurable remote monitoring in a smart home  
        I.2     Use case 2: Adaptable home energy management        
        I.3     Use case 3: Reliable health monitoring at home              