Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References   
 3     Definitions   
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation     
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms  
 5     Conventions
 6     Introduction
        6.1     Network overview            
        6.2     Types of machine-oriented communications            
        6.3     MOC ecosystem              
 7     Characteristics of MOC            
 8     Service requirements of MOC applications          
        8.1     Mobility levels  
        8.2     Time controlled network communications 
        8.3     Resource usage
        8.4     Interoperability with proprietary devices    
        8.5     Application collaboration              
        8.6     Support of service integration and delivery environment        
        8.7     Load balancing and robustness    
        8.8     Accounting and charging               
        8.9     Management    
       8.10     Addressing and identification      
       8.11     Location-based support
       8.12     Group-based support     
       8.13     Quality of service           
       8.14     Security            
       8.15     Device association and interaction with multiple applications              
       8.16     Communication with sleeping device         
       8.17     Differentiation and handling of collected data        
 9     Requirements of NGN capabilities         
        9.1     Requirements for extensions or additions to NGN capabilities               
        9.2     Requirements supported by existing NGN capabilities             
10     Capability requirements of an MOC device domain         
       10.1     Application enablement
       10.2     Mobility            
       10.3     Communication             
       10.4     QoS   
       10.5     Remote management    
       10.6     Device addressing and identification          
       10.7     Security            
       10.8     Accounting and charging              
       10.9     Data identification         
11     Reference framework for MOC capabilities       
       11.1     High-level view               
       11.2     MOC capabilities in the NGN domain        
       11.3     MOC capabilities in the MOC device domain          
       11.4     MOC service interfaces 
12     Security considerations            
Appendix I – Actors and related roles in the MOC ecosystem    
Appendix II – MOC use cases    
       II.1     e-Health             
       II.2     Tsunami warning service
       II.3     Motorcade management               
       II.4     Smart home      
       II.5     Integration with Internet services 