1     Scope and purpose          
 2     References 
        2.1     ITU-T references   
        2.2     IETF references     
 3     Definitions  
 4     Abbreviations   
 5     Objectives of the NGN    
 6     Fundamental characteristics of NGN        
 7     NGN capabilities 
 8     Areas of key importance  
        8.1     General framework and architectural principles       
        8.2     Architecture models for the NGN  
        8.3     End-to-end Quality of Service        
        8.4     Service platforms   
        8.5     Network management        
        8.6     Security  
        8.7     Generalized mobility           
        8.8     Network control architecture(s) and protocols        
        8.9     Service capabilities and service architecture
       8.10     Interoperability of services and network in NGN   
       8.11     Numbering, naming and addressing           
       8.12     Disaster and relief communications capabilities