ITU-T X.1254 – Supplement on use cases of the entity authentication assurance framework
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Use case 1: Self-service SIM card replacement
     6.1 Business workflow
     6.2 Hacking the business workflow
     6.3 Risk assessment
     6.4 Risk mitigation approaches
     6.5 Implementation of SIM card replacement self-service with security
7 Use case 2: Online shopping
     7.1 Online shopping workflow
     7.2 Risk assessment
          7.2.1 Order form generation stage
          7.2.2 Payment stage
          7.2.3 Post-payment verification stage
     7.3 Risk mitigation approaches
          7.3.1 Order form generation stage
          7.3.2 Payment stage
          7.3.3 Post-payment verification stage
     7.4 Implementation of online shopping with security
8  Use case 3: Commodity traceback using distributed ledger technology technology
     8.1 Need for commodity traceback
     8.2 Risk assessment
     8.3 Risk mitigation approaches
     8.4 Implementation of commodity traceback with security