1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional references
 3     Definitions
        3.1     OSI reference model definitions
        3.2     ASN.1 definitions
        3.3     ROS definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     ROS model
 7     Realization of ROS
 8     ROS concepts
        8.1     Introduction
        8.2     Operation
        8.3     Error
        8.4     Operation package
        8.5     Connection package
        8.6     Association contract
        8.7     ROS-object class
        8.8     Code      
        8.9     Priority
 9     Generic ROS protocol
        9.1     Introduction
        9.2     ROS
        9.3     Invoke
        9.4     Return result
        9.5     Return error
        9.6     Reject
        9.7     Reject Problem
        9.8     Invoke id
        9.9     No invoke id
       9.10     Errors
       9.11     Bind
       9.12     Unbind
10     Useful definitions
       10.1     Introduction
       10.2     Empty bind
       10.3     Empty unbind
       10.4     Refuse
       10.5     No-op
       10.6     Forward
       10.7     Reverse 
       10.8     Consumer performs
       10.9     Supplier performs
      10.10     All operations
      10.11     recode
      10.12     switch
      10.13     combine
      10.14     ROS single abstract syntax
      10.15     ROS consumer abstract syntax
      10.16     ROS supplier abstract syntax
Annex  A – ASN.1 modules
Annex  B – Guidelines for the use of the notation
        B.1     Examples of Operations and their Errors
        B.2     Examples of Operation Packages and the use of switch{}
        B.3     Examples of Bind and Unbind operations
        B.4     Examples of Connection Packages
        B.5     Example of an Association Contract
        B.6     Examples of ROS-objects
        B.7     Example of the use of Forward{} and Reverse{}
        B.8     Examples of ConsumerPerforms{}, SupplierPerforms{} and AllOperations{}
Annex  C – Migrating from the ROS macros
        C.1     Introduction
        C.2     Operation
        C.3     Error     
        C.4     Bind
        C.5     Unbind
Annex  D – Assignment of object identifier values