 1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Model of the PM
        6.1     Overview
                  6.1.1     Principles of association usage
                  6.1.2     Functional unit capabilities and selection
                  6.1.3     Dialogue establishment
                  6.1.4     Soliciting dialogue establishment
                  6.1.5     Channel management
                  6.1.6     Channel utilization
                  6.1.7     Token control
                  6.1.8     Collisions of ready signals
                  6.1.9     Concatenation/separation
                 6.1.10     Embedding
        6.2     OSI TP Protocol structure
                  6.2.1     Components of the PM
 7     Execution rules
        7.1     Operation of the PM
                  7.1.1     Relationship of SAO(s) to MACF (s)
                  7.1.2     Input events to the PM
                  7.1.3     Action sequences
                  7.1.4     SACF queuing
                  7.1.5     Input event blocking at the PSAP
                  7.1.6     PM error conditions
        7.2     Procedure rules
        7.3     Definitions
        7.4     Log records used by the PM
                  7.4.1     Log-ready record
                  7.4.2     Log-commit record
                  7.4.3     Log-heuristic record
                  7.4.4     Log-damage record
        7.5     Recovery-context-handle
 8     Use of ACSE, CCR and the Presentation Layer
        8.1     Introduction
        8.2     Use of ACSE Service primitives
                  8.2.1     Use of the A-ASSOCIATE parameters
                  8.2.2     Use of the A-RELEASE parameters
                  8.2.3     Use of the A-ABORT and A-P-ABORT parameters
        8.3     Use of CCR Service primitives
        8.4     Use of the Presentation Layer
                  8.4.1     Use of Presentation Service primitives
                  8.4.2     Mapping of C-ROLLBACK-RI to Presentation
        8.5     Association management
                  8.5.1     Introduction
                  8.5.2     Association/dialogue compatibility
                  8.5.3     Association/channel compatibility
                  8.5.4     Initiating an association establishment
                  8.5.5     Receiving an association establishment indication
                  8.5.6     Responding to association establishment
                  8.5.7     Receiving confirmation of association establishment
                  8.5.8     Initiating an association release
                  8.5.9     Aborting an association
                 8.5.10     Initiating a dialogue solicitation
                 8.5.11     Responding to a dialogue solicitation
                 8.5.12     Receiving a rejection of a dialogue solicitation
                 8.5.13     Successful dialogue solicitation
 9     TP-ASE description
        9.1     Introduction
        9.2     AF Service Definition
                  9.2.1     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE
                  9.2.2     AF-BID
                  9.2.3     AF-END-DIALOGUE
                  9.2.4     AF-U-ERROR
                  9.2.5     AF-ABORT
                  9.2.6     AF-GRANT-CONTROL
                  9.2.7     AF-REQUEST-CONTROL
                  9.2.8     AF-HANDSHAKE
                  9.2.9     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL
                 9.2.10     AF-DEFER
                 9.2.11     AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION
                 9.2.12     AF-PREPARE
                 9.2.13     AF-REPORT
                 9.2.14     AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT
                 9.2.15     AF-NOCHANGE
                 9.2.16     AF-EARLY-EXIT
                 9.2.17     AF-RECOVER
                 9.2.18     AF-TOKEN-GIVE
                 9.2.19     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE
                 9.2.20     AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE
        9.3     AF-Services and TP APDUs: Parameters and field Mappings
                  9.3.1     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request/indication/response/confirm, TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE-RI/-RC APDU
                  9.3.2     AF-BID request/indication/response/confirm, TP-BID-RI/-RC APDU
                  9.3.3     AF-END-DIALOGUE request/indication/response/confirm – TP-END-DIALOGUE-RI/-RC APDU
                  9.3.4     AF-U-ERROR request/indication/response/confirm – TP-U-ERROR-RI/-RC APDU
                  9.3.5     AF-ABORT request/indication – TP-ABORT-RI APDU
                  9.3.6     AF-GRANT-CONTROL request/indication – TP-GRANT-CONTROL-RI APDU
                  9.3.7     AF-REQUEST-CONTROL request/indication – TP-REQUEST-CONTROL-RI APDU
                  9.3.8     AF-HANDSHAKE request/indication/response/confirm – TP-HANDSHAKE-RI/-RC APDU
                  9.3.9     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request/indication/response/confirm –  TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL-RI/-RC APDU
                 9.3.10     AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request/indication – TP-BEGIN-TRANSACTION-RI APDU
                 9.3.11     AF-DEFER request/indication – TP-DEFER-RI APDU
                 9.3.12     AF-PREPARE request/indication –  TP-PREPARE-RI APDU
                 9.3.13     AF-REPORT request/indication – TP-REPORT-RI APDU
                 9.3.14     AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT request/indication
                 9.3.15     AF-NOCHANGE request/indication – TP-NEXT-TID-RI APDU
                 9.3.16     AF-EARLY-EXIT request/indication/response/confirm – TP-EARLY-EXIT-RI/-RC APDU
                 9.3.17     AF-RECOVER request/indication – TP-RECOVER-RI APDU
                 9.3.18     AF-TOKEN-GIVE request/indication – TP-TOKEN-GIVE-RI APDU
                 9.3.19     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE request/indication – TP-TOKEN-PLEASE-RI APDU
                 9.3.20     AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request/indication/response/confirm
        9.4     Procedures
                  9.4.1     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request
                  9.4.2     TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE-RI TP APDU
                  9.4.3     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE response
                  9.4.4     TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE-RC TP APDU
                  9.4.5     AF-BID request
                  9.4.6     TP-BID-RI TP APDU
                  9.4.7     AF-BID response
                  9.4.8     TP-BID-RC TP APDU
                  9.4.9     AF-END-DIALOGUE request
                 9.4.10     TP-END-DIALOGUE-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.11     AF-END-DIALOGUE response
                 9.4.12     TP-END-DIALOGUE-RC TP APDU
                 9.4.13     AF-U-ERROR request
                 9.4.14     TP-U-ERROR-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.15     AF-U-ERROR response
                 9.4.16     TP-U-ERROR-RC TP APDU
                 9.4.17     AF-ABORT request
                 9.4.18     TP-ABORT-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.19     AF-GRANT-CONTROL request
                 9.4.20     TP-GRANT-CONTROL-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.21     AF-REQUEST-CONTROL request
                 9.4.22     TP-REQUEST-CONTROL-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.23     AF-HANDSHAKE request
                 9.4.24     TP-HANDSHAKE-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.25     AF-HANDSHAKE response
                 9.4.26     TP-HANDSHAKE-RC TP APDU
                 9.4.27     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request
                 9.4.28     TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.29     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL response
                 9.4.30     TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL-RC TP
                 9.4.31     AF-DEFER request
                 9.4.32     TP-DEFER-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.33     AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request
                 9.4.34     C-BEGIN indication
                 9.4.35     AF-PREPARE request
                 9.4.36     C-PREPARE indication
                 9.4.37     AF-REPORT request
                 9.4.38     TP-REPORT-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.39     AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT request
                 9.4.40     TP-ABORT-AND-REPORT-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.41     AF-EARLY-EXIT request
                 9.4.42     AF-EARLY-EXIT response
                 9.4.43     AF-RECOVER request
                 9.4.44     C-RECOVER indication
                 9.4.45     A-ABORT indication
                 9.4.46     C-ROLLBACK indication
                 9.4.47     C-ROLLBACK confirm
                 9.4.48     AF-NOCHANGE request
                 9.4.49     C-NOCHANGE indication
                 9.4.50     C-NOCHANGE confirm
                 9.4.51     C-COMMIT indication
                 9.4.52     C-COMMIT confirm
                 9.4.53     C-RECOVER confirm
                 9.4.54     P-TOKEN-GIVE (sync-minor) indication
                 9.4.55     AF-TOKEN-GIVE request
                 9.4.56     P-TOKEN-PLEASE (sync-minor) indication
                 9.4.57     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE request
                 9.4.58     AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request
                 9.4.59     TP-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE-RI TP APDU
                 9.4.60     AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE response
                 9.4.61     TP-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE-RC TP APDU
        9.5     Mapping
10     SACF description
       10.1     Introduction
       10.2     SACF states
       10.3     Service definitions for SAF services
                 10.3.1     SAF-DETACH-ASSOCIATION request
                 10.3.2     SAF-ASSOCIATION-LOST indication
                 10.3.3     SAF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request/indication/response/confirm
       10.4     Procedures for SAF primitives
                 10.4.1     SAF-DETACH-ASSOCIATION request
                 10.4.2     SAF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE request
                 10.4.3     SAF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE response
       10.5     Procedures for TP-ASE, CCR, ACSE, and Presentation Service primitives
                 10.5.1     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request
                 10.5.2     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE indication
                 10.5.3     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE response
                 10.5.4     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE confirm
                 10.5.5     AF-BID indication
                 10.5.6     AF-BID confirm
                 10.5.7     AF-END-DIALOGUE request
                 10.5.8     AF-END-DIALOGUE indication
                 10.5.9     AF-END-DIALOGUE confirm
                10.5.10     AF-U-ERROR request
                10.5.11     AF-U-ERROR indication
                10.5.12     AF-U-ERROR confirm
                10.5.13     AF-ABORT request
                10.5.14     AF-ABORT (provider, abortRI) indication
                10.5.15     AF-ABORT (user, dataRI) indication
                10.5.16     A-ABORT request
                10.5.17     A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) response
                10.5.18     A-[P-]ABORT indication or A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) confirm
                10.5.19     AF-GRANT-CONTROL request
                10.5.20     AF-GRANT-CONTROL indication
                10.5.21     AF-REQUEST-CONTROL request
                10.5.22     AF-REQUEST-CONTROL indication
                10.5.23     AF-HANDSHAKE request
                10.5.24     AF-HANDSHAKE indication
                10.5.25     AF-HANDSHAKE confirm
                10.5.26     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request
                10.5.27     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL indication
                10.5.28     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL confirm
                10.5.29     AF-DEFER request
                10.5.30     AF-DEFER indication
                10.5.31     AF-PREPARE request
                10.5.32     AF-PREPARE indication
                10.5.33     AF-REPORT (commitRC) indication, or AF-REPORT (recoverDoneRC) indication
                10.5.34     C-BEGIN request or AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request
                10.5.35     C-BEGIN indication or AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION indication
                10.5.36     C-BEGIN confirm
                10.5.37     C-READY indication
                10.5.38     C-COMMIT indication or C-COMMIT+C-BEGIN indication
                10.5.39     AF-ABORT (user, commitRI) indication or AF-ABORT (user, commitRC) indication
                10.5.40     C-COMMIT confirm
                10.5.41     AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (commitRC) indication
                10.5.42     C-ROLLBACK request
                10.5.43     C-ROLLBACK indication
                10.5.44     AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT request or AF-REPORT request
                10.5.45     AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (dataRI) indication or AF-REPORT (user, dataRI) indication
                10.5.46     AF-ABORT (user/provider, rollbackRI) indication, AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (rollbackRI) indication, AF-REPORT (rollbackRI) indication or AF-EARLY-EXIT indication
                10.5.47     C-ROLLBACK confirm, AF-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication, AF-ABORT (user/provider, rollbackRC) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication
                10.5.48     AF-NOCHANGE request or C-NOCHANGE request
                10.5.49     C-NOCHANGE indication or AF-NOCHANGE indication
                10.5.50     C-NOCHANGE confirm
                10.5.51     AF-EARLY-EXIT confirm
                10.5.52     AF-RECOVER indication
                10.5.53     C-RECOVER request or AF-RECOVER request
                10.5.54     C-RECOVER indication
                10.5.55     C-RECOVER confirm
                10.5.56     U-ASE request
                10.5.57     U-ASE indication
                10.5.58     AF-TOKEN-GIVE (regular) indication
                10.5.59     AF-TOKEN-GIVE (keep) indication
                10.5.60     AF-TOKEN-GIVE (two-way-recovery) request
                10.5.61     AF-TOKEN-GIVE (two-way-recovery) indication
                10.5.62     P-TOKEN-GIVE (sync-minor) indication
                10.5.63     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE request
                10.5.64     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE indication
                10.5.65     P-TOKEN-PLEASE indication
                10.5.66     AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE indication
                10.5.67     AF-SOLICIT-DIALOGUE confirm
                10.5.68     Protocol error
                10.5.69     Other service primitives
       10.6     SACF internal events
                 10.6.1     Unsolicited BID reject
       10.7     Concatenation
                 10.7.1     Mapping precedence
                 10.7.2     Concatenation rules
       10.8     Routeing
11     MACF description
       11.1     Introduction
       11.2     CAF service definition
                 11.2.1     CAF-PLEASE request
                 11.2.2     CAF-GIVE indication
                 11.2.3     CAF-FAIL indication
                 11.2.4     CAF-DETACH request
                 11.2.5     CAF-RECOVER indication
       11.3     Main procedures
                 11.3.1     TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE request
                 11.3.2     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE indication (TPPM and CPM)
                 11.3.3     TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE response
                 11.3.4     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (accepted) confirm on a Dialogue
                 11.3.5     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (rejected, dataRI) confirm on a Dialogue
                 11.3.6     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (rejected(user), rollbackRI) confirm
                 11.3.7     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE (rejected(user), rollbackRC) confirm
                 11.3.8     AF-BEGIN-DIALOGUE confirm (CPM)
                 11.3.9     SAF-ASSOCIATION-LOST indication
                11.3.10     SAF-ASSOCIATION-LOST indication (CPM)
                11.3.11     TP-END-DIALOGUE request
                11.3.12     AF-END-DIALOGUE indication
                11.3.13     AF-END-DIALOGUE indication (CPM)
                11.3.14     TP-END-DIALOGUE response
                11.3.15     AF-END-DIALOGUE confirm
                11.3.16     TP-U-ERROR request
                11.3.17     AF-U-ERROR indication
                11.3.18     AF-U-ERROR confirm
                11.3.19     TP-U-ABORT request
                11.3.20     AF-ABORT (user, dataRI) indication
                11.3.21     Protocol error, internal error, A[-P]-ABORT indication, AF-ABORT (provider, abortRI) indication, A‑ABORT request, A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) response, or A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) confirm on a dialogue
                11.3.22     Protocol error, internal error, A[-P]-ABORT indication, AF-ABORT (provider, abortRI) indication, A‑ABORT request, A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) response, or A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) confirm on a channel
                11.3.23     Protocol error, internal error, A[-P]-ABORT indication, AF-ABORT (provider, abortRI) indication, A‑RELEASE (Result = affirmative) response, or A-RELEASE (Result = affirmative) confirm (CPM)
                11.3.24     TP-GRANT-CONTROL request
                11.3.25     AF-GRANT-CONTROL indication
                11.3.26     TP-REQUEST-CONTROL request
                11.3.27     AF-REQUEST-CONTROL indication
                11.3.28     TP-HANDSHAKE request
                11.3.29     AF-HANDSHAKE indication
                11.3.30     TP-HANDSHAKE response
                11.3.31     AF-HANDSHAKE confirm
                11.3.32     TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL request
                11.3.33     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL indication
                11.3.34     TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL response
                11.3.35     AF-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL confirm
                11.3.36     TP-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request
                11.3.37     C-BEGIN indication or AF-BEGIN-TRANSACTION indication
                11.3.38     C-BEGIN confirm
                11.3.39     TP-DATA request
                11.3.40     U-ASE indication
                11.3.41     TP-DEFERRED-END-DIALOGUE request
                11.3.42     TP-DEFERRED-GRANT-CONTROL request
                11.3.43     AF-DEFER indication
                11.3.44     TP-PREPARE request
                11.3.45     TP-COMMIT request
                11.3.46     AF-PREPARE indication
                11.3.47     C-READY indication
                11.3.48     C-COMMIT indication or C-COMMIT+C-BEGIN indication
                11.3.49     AF-ABORT (user, commitRI) indication
                11.3.50     TP-DONE request
                11.3.51     C-COMMIT confirm or AF-REPORT (commitRC) indication
                11.3.52     AF-ABORT (user, commitRC) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (commitRC) indication
                11.3.53     TP-ROLLBACK request
                11.3.54     C-ROLLBACK indication or AF-REPORT (rollbackRI) indication
                11.3.55     C-CANCEL indication
                11.3.56     AF-ABORT (user/provider, rollbackRI) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (rollbackRI) indication
                11.3.57     C-ROLLBACK confirm or AF-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication
                11.3.58     AF-ABORT (user/provider, rollbackRC) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (rollbackRC) indication
                11.3.59     AF-REPORT (dataRI) indication or AF-ABORT-AND-REPORT (dataRI) indication
                11.3.60     TP-ONE-PHASE request
                11.3.61     TP-READ-ONLY request
                11.3.62     AF-NOCHANGE indication or C-NOCHANGE indication
                11.3.63     TP-EARLY-EXIT request
                11.3.64     AF-EARLY-EXIT indication
                11.3.65     AF-EARLY-EXIT confirm
                11.3.66     CAF-RECOVER (ready) indication
                11.3.67     C-RECOVER (ready) indication or AF-RECOVER (ready) indication (CPM)
                11.3.68     C-NOCHANGE confirm or AF-ABORT (user, nochangeRC) indication
                11.3.69     CAF-RECOVER (commit) indication
                11.3.70     C-RECOVER (commit) indication or AF-REPORT (recoverCommitRI) indication
                11.3.71     C-RECOVER (commit) indication or AF-RECOVER (commit) indication or AF-REPORT (recoverCommitRI) indication (CPM)
                11.3.72     C-RECOVER (done) confirm or AF-REPORT (recoverDoneRC) indication
                11.3.73     C-RECOVER (unknown) confirm
                11.3.74     C-RECOVER (unknown) confirm (CPM)
                11.3.75     C-RECOVER (retry-later) confirm
                11.3.76     C-RECOVER (retry-later) confirm (CPM)
                11.3.77     AF-TOKEN-GIVE (two-way-recovery) indication on a channel (TPPM)
                11.3.78     AF-TOKEN-GIVE (two-way-recovery indication (CPM)
                11.3.79     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE indication on a channel (TPPM)
                11.3.80     AF-TOKEN-PLEASE indication (CPM)
                11.3.81     CAF-PLEASE request (CPM)
                11.3.82     CAF-GIVE indication
                11.3.83     CAF-FAIL indication
                11.3.84     CAF-DETACH request (CPM)
       11.4     Internal event procedures
                 11.4.1     Delay recovery
                 11.4.2     Heuristic damage compensation for subtree
                 11.4.3     Restart after node crash (CPM)
                 11.4.4     Retry recovery
                 11.4.5     Taking a heuristic decision
                 11.4.6     Terminating a channel (CPM)
                 11.4.7     TPPM creation after node crash
                 11.4.8     TPPM-initiated rollback
                 11.4.9     Rewrite intermediate record
                11.4.10     Lazy log forget
       11.5     Common procedures
                 11.5.1     Confirm and complete commitment
                 11.5.2     Confirming commitment
                 11.5.3     Completing commitment
                 11.5.4     Reporting on the commit-coordinator:root path
                 11.5.5     Completing ONE-PHASE and READ-ONLY
                 11.5.6     Entering READY state
                 11.5.7     Fail an outstanding CAF-PLEASE request
                 11.5.8     First request/response
                 11.5.9     Initiating a transaction branch
                11.5.10     Initiating rollback at TPPM
                11.5.11     Initiating transaction after rollback
                11.5.12     Making commitment decision
                11.5.13     Making one-phase commitment decision
                11.5.14     Receiving commit order
                11.5.15     Recording the heuristic condition
                11.5.16     Reporting rollback to superior
                11.5.17     Rollback next transaction
                11.5.18     Sending commit order
                11.5.19     Sending not-determined result from a ONE-PHASE or READ-ONLY node
                11.5.20     Entering ONE-PHASE or READ-ONLY state
                11.5.21     User protocol error
12     Structure and encoding of TP APDUs
       12.1     Abstract syntax of the TPASE APDUs
       12.2     Rules of extensibility
13     Conformance
       13.1     Static conformance requirements
                 13.1.1     Conformance classes
                 13.1.2     Capabilities
                 13.1.3     Functional units
                 13.1.4     Dependencies on other standards
       13.2     Dynamic conformance requirements
                 13.2.1     General requirements
                 13.2.2     Specific requirements
       13.3     Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
       13.4     Receiving TP APDUs
14     Compliance
15     Precedence statement
16     Index of Actions and Events
Annex  A – OSI TP Protocol – State tables
        A.1     General
        A.2     Introduction
                  A.2.1     State tables
                  A.2.2     PM state machines
                  A.2.3     Events
                  A.2.4     States
                  A.2.5     Variables and predicates
                  A.2.6     Actions
                  A.2.7     Notation
                  A.2.8     Conventions
                  A.2.9     Processing of events
        A.3     Processing rules
        A.4     MACF state tables
                  A.4.1     MACF states
                  A.4.2     MACF variables
                  A.4.3     MACF events
                  A.4.4     MACF actions
        A.5     TPASE
                  A.5.1     TPASE states
                  A.5.2     TPASE variables
                  A.5.3     TPASE events
                  A.5.4     TPASE actions
        A.6     SACF
                  A.6.1     SACF states
                  A.6.2     SACF variables
                  A.6.3     SACF events
                  A.6.4     SACF actions
                  A.6.5     Notational conventions
        A.7     Predicates
Annex  B – Requirements for writing U-ASEs and application contexts
Annex  C – Scenarios
        C.1     Introduction
                  C.1.1     Scenarios with a single dialogue (successful cases)
                  C.1.2     Scenarios with a single dialogue (unsuccessful cases)
                  C.1.3     Scenarios with a single dialogue (failure case)
                  C.1.4     Collision scenarios on a single dialogue
                  C.1.5     Tree with multiple dialogues (successful cases)
                  C.1.6     Tree with multiple dialogues (unsuccessful cases)
                  C.1.7     Heuristic decisions and reporting
                  C.1.8     Scenarios for SACF
                  C.1.9     Scenarios for CPM
                 C.1.10     Read-Only scenarios
                 C.1.11     Early-exit scenarios
                 C.1.12     Static one-phase commitment scenarios
                 C.1.13     Implicit prepare scenarios
                 C.1.14     TP-ROLLBACK scenarios
                 C.1.15     Dynamic Commitment scenarios
                 C.1.16     Scenarios showing token movement during transaction termination
                 C.1.17     Recovery context handle on dialogue scenarios
        C.2     Scenarios with a single dialogue (successful cases)
                  C.2.1     Application-supported transactions
                  C.2.2     Provider-supported chained transactions
                  C.2.3     Provider-supported unchained transactions
                  C.2.4     TP-PREPARE scenarios
                  C.2.5     Handshake services: illustration of Confirmation-Urgency parameter
                  C.2.6     Deferred End Dialogue service
        C.3     Scenarios with a single dialogue (unsuccessful cases)
                  C.3.1     Negative response to a TP-HANDSHAKE
                  C.3.2     TP-ROLLBACK scenarios
                  C.3.3     Rejection of a TP-BEGIN-TRANSACTION request
                  C.3.4     TP-U-ERROR collision with TP-DATA
                  C.3.5     TP-ROLLBACK with TP-U-ABORT
                  C.3.6     TP-DEFERRED-END-DIALOGUE with TP-ROLLBACK
                  C.3.7     Dialogue establishment scenarios
        C.4     Scenarios with a single dialogue (failure cases)
                  C.4.1     TP-P-ABORT
        C.5     Collision scenarios on a single dialogue
                  C.5.1     Collisions of TP-U-ERROR with TP-COMMIT
                  C.5.2     Collisions with TP-U-ERROR in Polarized Control
                  C.5.3     Collisions with TP-U-ERROR in Shared Control
                  C.5.4     TP-END-DIALOGUE Collision Scenarios
                  C.5.5     Other collisions
        C.6     Tree with multiple dialogues (successful cases)
                  C.6.1     The committing phase driven by TP-COMMIT
                  C.6.2     The committing phase with TP-PREPARE and TP-READY
        C.7     Tree with multiple dialogues (unsuccessful cases)
                  C.7.1     Rollback from the root during the active phase
                  C.7.2     Rollback from a subordinate during the active phase
                  C.7.3     Dialogue abort during phase I of commitment
                  C.7.4     Rollback-related actions
                  C.7.5     Dialogue abort during the active phase
                  C.7.6     Dialogue abort during the active phase – Transaction tree above the failure disbanded
                  C.7.7     Dialogue abort during the second phase of commitment
                  C.7.8     Dialogue abort during the second phase of commitment – Subordinate of the failed dialogue aborts its other dialogues
                  C.7.9     Dialogue abort with the superior after TP-COMMIT indication has been issued
                 C.7.10     Dialogue abort with the superior after TP-COMMIT indication has been issued – Node subordinate to the failed dialogue aborts its other dialogues
                 C.7.11     Dialogue abort with the superior after TP-COMMIT indication has been issued – Node superior to the failed dialogue aborts its other dialogues
                 C.7.12     Dialogue abort with the superior after TP-COMMIT-COMPLETE indication has been issued – Node superior to the failed dialogue aborts its other dialogues
        C.8     Heuristic decisions and reporting
                  C.8.1     Heuristic decisions when the outcome of the transaction is commit
                  C.8.2     Heuristic decisions when the outcome of the transaction is rollback
                  C.8.3     Heuristic decisions in trees with multiple dialogues
        C.9     Scenarios for SACF
       C.10     Scenarios for CPM
                 C.10.1     Scenarios for channel establishment
                 C.10.2     Scenarios for two way recovery
                 C.10.3     Scenarios for recovery collision on separate one way channels
       C.11     Read-Only scenarios
                 C.11.1     TP-READ-ONLY request with unchained transactions
                 C.11.2     TP-READ-ONLY request with chained transactions – Transaction commits
                 C.11.3     TP-READ-ONLY request with chained transactions – Transaction is rolled back
                 C.11.4     Dialogue abort after TP-READ-ONLY indication – Chained transactions
                 C.11.5     Dialogue abort before TP-READ-ONLY indication – Chained transactions
                 C.11.6     User dialogue abort after TP-READ-ONLY indication – Chained transactions
                 C.11.7     TP-READ-ONLY request at intermediate and leaf – Chained transactions
                 C.11.8     TP-READ-ONLY request at intermediate – Leaf issues TP-COMMIT request
                 C.11.9     TP-READ-ONLY request at intermediate – Leaf issues TP-ROLLBACK request
                C.11.10     TP-READ-ONLY request at intermediate – Leaf issues TP-ROLLBACK request and diagnostics
                C.11.11     TP-READ-ONLY request at intermediate – Leaf issues TP-COMMIT request but heuristically rolls back
                C.11.12     TP-READ-ONLY request with deferred end dialogue – Transaction commits
                C.11.13     TP-READ-ONLY request with deferred end dialogue – Transaction rolls back
                C.11.14     Read-Only Intermediate promoted to Root Node
                C.11.15     Read-Only Intermediate refuses to become Root Node
       C.12     Early-exit scenarios
                 C.12.1     TP-EARLY-EXIT request with unchained transactions
                 C.12.2     TP-EARLY-EXIT request with chained transactions
                 C.12.3     TP-EARLY-EXIT request in response to TP-PREPARE request – Unchained transactions
                 C.12.4     TP-EARLY-EXIT request collision with TP-PREPARE request – Unchained transactions
                 C.12.5     Repeated use of a dialogue with early-exit and unchained transactions
                 C.12.6     TP-EARLY-EXIT request and TP-COMPLETION-REPORT indication
                 C.12.7     Early exit with one read-only subordinate
                 C.12.8     Early exit with one read-only subordinate
                 C.12.9     Early exit with one read-only subordinate – TP-P-ABORT indication after requesting early exit
                C.12.10     Early exit with one read-only subordinate – TP-P-ABORT indication after requesting early exit
                C.12.11     Early exit with one read-only subordinate – TP-P-ABORT indication on a subordinate dialogue after requesting early exit
                C.12.12     Early exit with one read-only subordinate – TP-P-ABORT indication after requesting early exit
                C.12.13     Early exit in the termination phase
                C.12.14     Early exit with one read-only subordinate and defer-end-dialogue
                C.12.15     Early exit with one read-only subordinate and defer-end-dialogue in unchained
                C.12.16     Early exit above a read-only dialogue with defer-grant-control in unchained – Subordinate aborts the dialogue
                C.12.17     Early exit and collision with defer
       C.13     Static one-phase commitment scenarios
                 C.13.1     TP-ONE-PHASE request with unchained transactions
                 C.13.2     TP-ONE-PHASE request with chained transactions
                 C.13.3     TP-ONE-PHASE request with unchained transactions – Rollback case
                 C.13.4     TP-ONE-PHASE request with unchained transactions – Dialogue aborts late
                 C.13.5     TP-ONE-PHASE request with unchained transactions – Dialogue aborts early
                 C.13.6     Static one-phase above two-phase – Unchained transactions
                 C.13.7     Static one-phase above two-phase – Chained transactions
                 C.13.8     Static one-phase above two-phase – Chained transactions – Leaf rolls back
                 C.13.9     Static one-phase above two-phase – Chained transactions – No reporting
                C.13.10     Static one-phase and read-only – Unchained
                C.13.11     Static one-phase and read-only – Chained
                C.13.12     Flow of C-BEGIN on static one-phase OCC-path – C-BEGIN not receivable
                C.13.13     Flow of C-BEGIN on static one-phase OCC-path – TP-U-ABORT pending
                C.13.14     Flow of C-BEGIN on static one-phase OCC-path – TP-U-ABORT request in Ready-state
                C.13.15     Flow of C-BEGIN on static one-phase OCC-path – TP-U-ABORT request in Ready-state
       C.14     Implicit prepare scenarios
                 C.14.1     Implicit prepare with unchained transactions – Polarized control
                 C.14.2     Implicit prepare with unchained transactions – Shared control
                 C.14.3     Implicit prepare with intermediate and read-only leaf – Chained transactions
                 C.14.4     Implicit prepare and heuristic commit
                 C.14.5     Implicit prepare and heuristic rollback
                 C.14.6     Implicit prepare, heuristic commit and dialogue abort
       C.15     TP-ROLLBACK scenarios
                 C.15.1     TP-ROLLBACK with Chained Transactions – Simple cases
                 C.15.2     TP-ROLLBACK with Unchained Transactions – Simple cases
                 C.15.3     TP-ROLLBACK with Unchained Transactions – Complex cases
       C.16     Dynamic Commitment scenarios
                 C.16.1     Simple scenarios with two nodes
                 C.16.2     Polarized control and dynamic commitment
                 C.16.3     Collisions with two nodes
                 C.16.4     Alternate commit initiator
                 C.16.5     Alternate commit initiator with one-phase and read-only – No reporting
                 C.16.6     Alternate commit initiator with one-phase and read-only – With heuristic reporting
                 C.16.7     One-phase commit procedure with sending of C-PREPARE-RI followed by C‑NOCHANGE-RI
                 C.16.8     One-phase above one-phase
                 C.16.9     One-phase above one-phase – Unchained – No reporting
                C.16.10     One-phase everywhere
                C.16.11     Dynamic one-phase at root and intermediate, and read-only at leaf
                C.16.12     Dynamic one-phase at root, and read-only at intermediate and leaf
                C.16.13     One-phase and read only true collision
       C.17     Scenarios showing token movement during transaction termination
                 C.17.1     Ready/Ready collision – Superior becomes coordinator
                 C.17.2     Ready/Ready collision – Subordinate becomes coordinator
                 C.17.3     Ready/Read-Only collision – Superior becomes coordinator
                 C.17.4     Ready/One-phase collision – Subordinate becomes coordinator
       C.18     Recovery context handle on dialogue scenario
                 C.18.1     Late receipt of subordinate's RCH
Annex  D – Summary of assigned object identifier values
Annex  E – Recovery from destruction of atomic action data
        E.1     Introduction
        E.2     Recovery actions
                  E.2.1     Actions after a system has been destroyed
                  E.2.2     Actions of a node which has lost recovery records
                  E.2.3     Actions of a node which cannot complete recovery
Annex  F – TPPM transaction states
        F.1     TPPM transaction states
                  F.1.1     State transitions of a root TPPM
                  F.1.2     State transitions of an intermediate TPPM
                  F.1.3     State transitions of a leaf TPPM
Annex  G – Managing association pools by inference
        G.1     Introduction
        G.2     Definitions
        G.3     Rules
        G.4     Benefits
        G.5     Suggested system management objects
                  G.5.1     Meters
                  G.5.2     Alarms