1     Scope 
        1.1     Purpose  
        1.2     Application
 2     References 
 3     Definitions  
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere    
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms        
 5     Conventions     
 6     Service-oriented interface design considerations   
        6.1     Flexible use of façade design pattern          
        6.2     Lightweight use of ORB     
        6.3     Naming of managed objects and service-oriented façade objects    
        6.4     Creation and deletion of objects     
        6.5     Inheritance and containment           
        6.6     Exceptions 
        6.7     Retrieval and modification of objects and attributes 
        6.8     Notifications          
        6.9     Conditional capabilities and supported capabilities  
       6.10     Additional service-oriented interface design considerations 
 7     Service-oriented framework and requirements overview   
        7.1     Framework overview         
        7.2     Framework constituents overview  
 8     Service-oriented object model IDL          
        8.1     IDL repertoire and foundation IDL 
        8.2     Use of name/value pairs with string values   
        8.3     Single-valued, multi-valued and tagged parameters 
        8.4     Modelling of transmission technologies       
        8.5     Common attributes Common_T of service-oriented managed objects
        8.6     Exceptions 
        8.7     Notifications          
 9     Providing service-oriented façade interfaces         
        9.1     Façade instantiation           
        9.2     Getting and setting objects and attributes    
        9.3     Service-oriented façade interface base class Common_I      
        9.4     Iterator interfaces   
10     Service-oriented CORBA modelling guidelines    
       10.1     Rules and conventions       
       10.2     Superclasses of service-oriented managed objects and façade objects       
       10.3     Naming conventions for managed objects and façade objects        
       10.4     Service-oriented modelling of transmission technologies     
       10.5     Modelling of IDL extensions         
       10.6     Additional CORBA modelling guidelines and principles      
11     Style guide for lightweight CORBA IDL modelling           
12     Guidelines for redesigning fine-grained and coarse-grained models to service-oriented      
13     Service-oriented compliance and conformance    
       13.1     Standards document compliance   
       13.2     System conformance         
       13.3     Conformance statement guidelines 
Annex A (Normative) – Service-oriented modelling IDL    
        A.1     Module globaldefs        
        A.2     Module common    
        A.3     Module transmissionParameters        
        A.4     Module notifications  