1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional references
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Management framework definitions
        3.2     Systems management overview definitions
        3.3     CMIS definitions
        3.4     Management information model definitions
        3.5     Guidelines for the definition of managed objects definitions
        3.6     Implementation conformance statement proforma definitions
        3.7     Additional definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Requirements
        6.1     Time representation requirements
        6.2     Time accuracy and precision requirements
        6.3     Time distribution requirements
        6.4     Time service reliability requirements
        6.5     Local clock requirements
 7     Model
        7.1     Generic time functionality
        7.2     Time Management Function
                  7.2.1     Time-related resources
                  7.2.2     Time management functions
                  7.2.3     Time management function managed objects
                  7.2.4     The clockSource managed object
                  7.2.5     The synchronizationProtocol managed object
        7.3     Clock coordination function
                  7.3.1     Time synchronization protocol
                  7.3.2     Procedures for time synchronization
        7.4     Time user function
 8     Generic definitions
        8.1     The representation of time
        8.2     Managed object classes
                  8.2.1     Clock source
                  8.2.2     Local clock
                  8.2.3     Reference clock
                  8.2.4     Synchronization protocol
        8.3     Attribute definitions
                  8.3.1     Clock Adjustment Interval
                  8.3.2     Clock Drift
                  8.3.3     Clock Estimated Error
                  8.3.4     Clock Event Code
                  8.3.5     Clock Event Counter
                  8.3.6     Clock Event Time
                  8.3.7     Clock ID
                  8.3.8     Clock Maximum Error
                  8.3.9     Clock Precision
                 8.3.10     Clock Status
                 8.3.11     Clock Stratum
                 8.3.12     Clock Value
                 8.3.13     Leap Second Count
                 8.3.14     Leap Second Indication
                 8.3.15     Local Clock Address
                 8.3.16     Peer Clock Addresses
                 8.3.17     Reference Clock Type
                 8.3.18     Synchronization Protocol ID
                 8.3.19     Synchronization Protocol Type
                 8.3.20     Synchronization Source Address
                 8.3.21     Synchronized Clock
                 8.3.22     Synchronizing Clock
        8.4     Action definitions
                  8.4.1     Clock reset
                  8.4.2     Leap second
                  8.4.3     Protocol reset
        8.5     Name binding definitions
                  8.5.1     Clock Source – System
                  8.5.2     Synchronization Protocol – System
 9     Service definitions
        9.1     PT-CREATE service
        9.2     PT-DELETE service
        9.3     PT-SET service
        9.4     PT-GET service
        9.5     State Change service
        9.6     Clock Reset service
        9.7     Leap Second service
        9.8     Protocol Reset service
10     Functional units
11     Protocol
       11.1     Elements of procedure
                 11.1.1     Clock reset procedure
                 11.1.2     Leap second procedure
                 11.1.3     Protocol reset procedure
       11.2     Abstract syntax
                 11.2.1     Objects
                 11.2.2     Attributes
                 11.2.3     Actions
                 11.2.4     Name bindings
       11.3     Negotiation of functional units
12     Relationships with other functions
13     Conformance
       13.1     Static conformance
       13.2     Dynamic conformance
       13.3     Management implementation conformance statement requirements
Annex A – Definition of Time Management Information
        A.1     Managed object classes
                  A.1.1     clockSource
                  A.1.2     localClock
                  A.1.3     referenceClock
                  A.1.4     synchronizationProtocol
        A.2     Attribute definitions
                  A.2.1     clockAdjustmentInterval
                  A.2.2     clockDrift
                  A.2.3     clockEstimatedError
                  A.2.4     clockEventCode
                  A.2.5     clockEventCounter
                  A.2.6     clockEventTime
                  A.2.7     clockID
                  A.2.8     clockMaximumError
                  A.2.9     clockPrecision
                 A.2.10     clockStatus
                 A.2.11     clockStratum
                 A.2.12     clockValue
                 A.2.13     leapSecondCount
                 A.2.14     leapSecondIndication
                 A.2.15     localClockAddress
                 A.2.16     peerClockAddresses
                 A.2.17     referenceClockType
                 A.2.18     synchronizationProtocolID
                 A.2.19     synchronizationProtocolType
                 A.2.20     synchronizationSourceAddress
                 A.2.21     synchronizedClock
                 A.2.22     synchronizingClocks
        A.3     Action definitions
                  A.3.1     clockReset
                  A.3.2     leapSecond
                  A.3.3     protocolReset
        A.4     Name binding definitions
                  A.4.1     clockSource-system
                  A.4.2     synchronizationProtocol-system
        A.5     ASN.1 definition module for management information
        A.6     ASN.1 definition module for time representation
Annex B – The Network Time Protocol and Time Management Information
        B.1     The Network Time Protocol
        B.2     The ntpProtocol managed object class definition
        B.3     Attribute definitions
                  B.3.1     filterSize
                  B.3.2     filterWeight
                  B.3.3     maximumClockAge
                  B.3.4     maximumDispersion
                  B.3.5     maximumDistance
                  B.3.6     maximumPollInterval
                  B.3.7     maximumSelectClock
                  B.3.8     maximumSkew
                  B.3.9     maximumStratum
                 B.3.10     minimumDispersion
                 B.3.11     minimumPollInterval
                 B.3.12     minimumSelectClock
                 B.3.13     reachabilityRegisterSize
                 B.3.14     selectWeight
Annex C – The Distributed Time service and Time Management Information
        C.1     The Distributed Time service
        C.2     The dtsProtocol managed object
Annex D – MCS proforma
        D.1     Introduction
                  D.1.1     Purpose and structure
                  D.1.2     Instructions for completing the MCS proforma to produce an MCS3)
                  D.1.3     Symbols, abbreviations and terms
        D.2     Identification of the implementation
                  D.2.1     Date of statement
                  D.2.2     Identification of the implementation
                  D.2.3     Contact
        D.3     Identification of the Recommendation | International Standard in which the management information is defined
                  D.3.1     Technical corrigenda implemented
                  D.3.2     Amendments implemented
        D.4     Management conformance summary
Annex E – MICS proforma
        E.1     Introduction
        E.2     Instructions for completing the MICS proforma to produce a MICS
        E.3     Symbols, abbreviations and terms
        E.4     Statement of conformance to the management information
                  E.4.1     Attributes
                  E.4.2     Create and delete management operations
                  E.4.3     Actions
                  E.4.4     Notification
Annex F – MOCS proforma
        F.1     Introduction
                  F.1.1     Instructions for completing the MOCS proforma to produce a MOCS6)
                  F.1.2     Symbols, abbreviations and terms
        F.2     localClock
                  F.2.1     Statement of conformance to the managed object class
                  F.2.2     Packages
                  F.2.3     Attributes
                  F.2.4     Action
                  F.2.5     Notification
        F.3     referenceClock
                  F.3.1     Statement of conformance to the managed object class
                  F.3.2     Packages
                  F.3.3     Attributes
                  F.3.4     Actions
                  F.3.5     Notification
        F.4     synchronizationProtocol
                  F.4.1     Statement of conformance to the managed object class
                  F.4.2     Packages
                  F.4.3     Attributes
                  F.4.4     Actions
        F.5     ntpProtocol
                  F.5.1     Statement of conformance to the managed object class
                  F.5.2     Packages
                  F.5.3     Attributes
                  F.5.4     Actions
Annex G – MRCS proforma for name binding
        G.1     Introduction
        G.2     Instructions for completing the MRCS proforma for name binding to produce a MRCS28)
        G.3     Statement of conformance to the name binding
Annex H – Overview of common clock coordination protocols
        H.1     The Network Time Protocol
                  H.1.1     Structure of the NTP synchronization subnet
                  H.1.2     Determining clock offset
                  H.1.3     Model of NTP
                  H.1.4     Data-filtering algorithm
                  H.1.5     Peer-selection and combining algorithms
                  H.1.6     Local clock model
        H.2     Distributed Time service
                  H.2.1     Obtaining a time value
                  H.2.2     Computing a correct time
                  H.2.3     Adjusting the clock
                  H.2.4     Determining the maximum error
                  H.2.5     Local faults
                  H.2.6     Configuration
                  H.2.7     Couriers
                  H.2.8     Determining the next synchronization
                  H.2.9     Maintaining the server lists
                 H.2.10     Checking for faulty servers
        H.3     Probabilistic clock synchronization
                  H.3.1     Assumption
                  H.3.2     Reading a remote clock
                  H.3.3     Reading a remote clock with a specified precision
                  H.3.4     Keeping clocks synchronized
                  H.3.5     Clock adjustment
                  H.3.6     Conclusion
        H.4     Additional references
Annex I – Time user service
        I.1     Accuracy and precision
        I.2     User time formats
        I.3     Leap seconds
        I.4     Time values fo revent ordering