1     Scope 
 2     Normative references       
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards          
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content    
        2.3     Additional references         
 3     Definitions  
        3.1     Basic reference model definitions    
        3.2     Service convention definitions         
        3.3     Management framework definitions
        3.4     Systems management overview definitions  
        3.5     Event report management function definitions          
        3.6     Common management information service definitions          
        3.7     OSI conformance testing definitions
        3.8     Additional definitions          
 4     Abbreviations   
 5     Conventions     
 6     Requirements    
 7     Model for the log control function 
        7.1     Introduction           
        7.2     The log model        
 8     Generic definitions           
        8.1     Managed objects   
        8.2     Imported generic definitions           
 9     Service definition 
        9.1     Introduction           
        9.2     Initiation of logging 
        9.3     Termination of logging        
        9.4     Modification of logging attributes and suspension and resumption of logging 
        9.5     Retrieving logging attributes
        9.6     Retrieval of log records      
        9.7     Deletion of log records       
10     Functional units
11     Protocol    
       11.1     Elements of procedure      
       11.2     Abstract syntax     
       11.3     Negotiation of functional units        
12     Relationship with other functions  
13     Conformance   
       13.1     General conformance class requirements   
       13.2     Dependent conformance class requirements           
       13.3     Conformance to support managed object definitions          
Annex A  Considerations for system implementation capabilities statements    
Annex B  Conditions on attribute values for logging