Rec. ITU-T X.677 (03/2020) Identification mechanism for unmanned aerial vehicles using object identifiers
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 General requirements of OIDs for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
     6.1 Overview
     6.2 Characteristics of OIDs for UAVs
     6.3 Identity classification and storage
          6.3.1 Identity classification
          6.3.2 Identifier storage
7 Full life-cycle management and OID assignment rules
     7.1 Full life-cycle management scenario of UAVs
     7.2 OID assignment rules and usage
          7.2.1 Dedicated UAV OID
          7.2.2 OID assignment rules
          7.2.3 OID usage
     7.3 Security, encryption and authentication
8 Operating identity recognition and OID assignment rules
     8.1 Identity recognition scenario of operating UAVs
     8.2 OID assignment rules and usage
          8.2.1 OID assignment rule
          8.2.2 OID usage
     8.3 Security, encryption and authentication
9 Registration procedures for the UAV OID
     9.1 General
     9.2 Registration application
     9.3 Verification and acceptance
     9.4 Registration announcement and notification
     9.5 Change of registration information
     9.6 Fees
Annex A  OID coding rules for UAV devices