Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere        
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation            
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions             
 6     Overview   
        6.1     MP2P framework defined in [ISO/IEC TR 20002]            
 7     Functional architecture of a managed P2P   
        7.1     User management server (UMS)          
        7.2     Peer activity management server (PAMS)        
        7.3     Overlay management server (OMS)    
        7.4     Underlying network information server (UNIS)              
        7.5     Index server (IXS)        
        7.6     Peer  
        7.7     Cache server (CS)        
        7.8     Relay server (RS)          
 8     Reference points    
        8.1     Reference point R1     
        8.2     Reference point R2     
        8.3     Reference point R3     
        8.4     Reference point R4     
        8.5     Reference point R5     
        8.6     Reference point R6     
        8.7     Reference point R7     
        8.8     Reference point R8     
        8.9     Reference point R9     
       8.10     Reference point R10 
 9     Information flows  
        9.1     Content distribution control    
        9.2     Use of overlay resources          
        9.3     Recommending related contents         
        9.4     Peer list optimization 