1     Scope and field of application
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Additional references
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Reference Model definitions
        3.2     X.25 Packet Layer Protocol definitions
        3.3     Multicast Service definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Description of multicast service for members of a multicast group with interfaces operating in the basic mode
 6     X.25 protocol element restrictions for DTEs operating in the basic mode
 7     Multicast group creation and membership control
        7.1     General
        7.2     Group attributes
 8     Multicast call attributes
        8.1     Multicast call establishment attributes
        8.2     Data transfer attributes
        8.3     Type of data transfer
 9     Multicast service model
10     Multicast service sublayer
       10.1     Services provided by the multicast service sublayer
       10.2     Services assumed by the multicast service sublayer
       10.3     Multicast service sublayer protocol procedures
       10.4     Mapping between X.6 messages and SMM primitives
11     Subnetwork dependent mapping sublayer
       11.1     Services provided by the subnetwork dependent mapping sublayer
       11.2     Services assumed by the subnetwork dependent mapping sublayer
12     X.25 PLP | ISO/IEC 8208 Sublayer
13     Optional user facilities
Annex A – Summary of Group and Call attributes