Resumen     iii
Introducción        iii
 1     Alcance
 2     Referencias normativas
        2.1     Recomendaciones | Normas Internacionales idénticas
        2.2     Pares de Recomendaciones | Normas Internacionales de contenido técnico equivalente
        2.3     Referencias adicionales
 3     Definiciones
 4     Abreviaturas
 5     Conformidad
Anexo A – Formulario de declaración de conformidad de implementación de protocolo (PICS) para el protocolo de transferencia fiable
        A.1     Identification of PICS proforma corrigenda
        A.2     Instructions
                  A.2.1     Purpose and structure of the proforma
                  A.2.2     Symbols, terms and abbreviations
                               A.2.2.1     Introduction
                               A.2.2.2     Prerequisite notation
                               A.2.2.3     Item numbering
                               A.2.2.4     Status column
                               A.2.2.5     Support column
                               A.2.2.6     Definition of support
                               A.2.2.7     Constraints for supported values
                               A.2.2.8     Mode or Note column
                               A.2.2.9     Clause reference column
                              A.2.2.10     Abbreviations
                  A.2.3     Instructions for completion
        A.3     Identification of the implementation
                  A.3.1     Date of statement
                  A.3.2     Identification of the implementation and/or system
                  A.3.3     Identification of the system supplier and/or test laboratory client
        A.4     Protocol identification
                  A.4.1     CCITT Rec. X.228 | ISO/IEC 9066-2 protocol specification and amendments implemented
                  A.4.2     CCITT Rec. X.228 | ISO/IEC 9066-2 technical corrigenda implemented
        A.5     Global statement of conformance
        A.6     Capabilities and options
                  A.6.1     Initiator/Responder capability
                  A.6.2     Major capabilities
                               A.6.2.1     Supported Modes of Operation
                               A.6.2.2     Supported Dialogue Mode
                               A.6.2.3     Elements of procedure
                  A.6.3     Timers and protocol parameters
                               A.6.3.1     Timers
                               A.6.3.2     Protocol parameters
                  A.6.4     Supported RSTE PDUs
                  A.6.5     Supported RTSE PDU parameters
                               A.6.5.1     RTORQapdu parameters
                               A.6.5.2     RTOACapdu parameters
                               A.6.5.3     RTORJapdu parameters
                               A.6.5.4     RTTPapdu parameters
                               A.6.5.5     RTTRapdu parameters
                               A.6.5.6     RTTBapdu parameters
                  A.6.6     Negotiation capabilities
                  A.6.7     Protocol error handling
                  A.6.8     Other information
        A.7     Multi-layer dependencies
                  A.7.1     Upper layers
                  A.7.2     Lower layers
                               A.7.2.1     ACSE
                               A.7.2.2     Presentation
                               A.7.2.3     Session