    1 Scope
    2 Normative references
        2.1 Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.2 Additional references
    3 Definitions
        3.1 Basic reference model definitions
        3.2 Service conventions definitions
        3.3 Network Service definitions
        3.4 Network addressing definitions
        3.5 Network layer architecture definitions
    4 Abbreviations
    5 Conventions
        5.1 General conventions
        5.2 Parameters
        5.3 NC endpoint identification convention
    6 Overview and general characteristics
    7 Types and classes of Network Service
    8 Features of the connection-mode Network Service
    9 Model of the connection-mode Network Service
        9.1 Model of the connection-mode Network Layer Service
        9.2 Model of a Network Connection
            9.2.1 Queue model concepts
            9.2.2 NC establishment
            9.2.3 Data transfer operations
            9.2.4 Reset operations
            9.2.5 NC release
    10 Quality of the connection-mode Network Service
        10.1 Determination of QOS
        10.2 Definition of QOS-parameters
            10.2.1 NC establishment delay
            10.2.2 NC establishment failure probability
            10.2.3 Throughput
            10.2.4 Transit delay
            10.2.5 Residual error rate
            10.2.6 Transfer failure probability
            10.2.7 NC resilience
            10.2.8 NC release delay
            10.2.9 NC release failure probability
            10.2.10 NC protection
            10.2.11 NC priority
            10.2.12 Maximum acceptable cost
    11 Sequence of primitives
        11.1 Relation of primitives at the two NC end points
        11.2 Sequence of primitives at one NC endpoint
    12 Connection establishment phase
        12.1 Function
        12.2 Types of primitives and parameters
            12.2.1 Addresses
            12.2.2 Called address parameter
            12.2.3 Calling address parameter
            12.2.4 Responding address parameter
            12.2.5 Receipt confirmation selection parameter
            12.2.6 Expedited data selection parameter
            12.2.7 QOS-parameter set
            12.2.8 NS-user-data parameter
        12.3 Sequence of primitives
    13 Connection release phase
        13.1 Function
        13.2 Types of primitive and parameters
            13.2.1 Originator parameter
            13.2.2 Reason parameter
            13.2.3 NS-user-data parameter
            13.2.4 Responding address parameter
        13.3 Sequence of primitives when releasing an established NC
        13.4 Sequence of primitives in an NS user rejection of an NC establishment attempt
        13.5 Sequence of primitives in an NS provider rejection of an NC establishment attempt
    14 Data transfer phase
        14.1 Data transfer
            14.1.1 Function
            14.1.2 Types of primitives and parameters
            14.1.3 Sequence of primitives
        14.2 Receipt confirmation service
            14.2.1 Function
            14.2.2 Types of primitives and parameters
            14.2.3 Sequence of primitives
        14.3 Expedited data transfer service
            14.3.1 Function
            14.3.2 Types of primitives and parameters
            14.3.3 Sequence of primitives
        14.4 Reset service
            14.4.1 Function
            14.4.2 Types of primitives and parameters
            14.4.3 Sequence of primitives
    15 Features of the connectionless-mode Network Service
    16 Model of the connectionless-mode Network Service
        16.1 Model of the connectionless-mode Network Layer Service
        16.2 Model of a network connectionless-mode transmission
    17 Quality of the connectionless-mode Network Service
        17.1 Determination of QOS
        17.2 Definition of network connectionless-mode QOS-parameters
            17.2.1 Transit delay
            17.2.2 Protection from unauthorized access
            17.2.3 Cost determinants
            17.2.4 Residual Error Probability
            17.2.5 Priority
        17.3 Route selection considerations
    18 Sequence of primitives
    19 Data transfer
        19.1 Function
        19.2 Types of primitives and parameters
            19.2.1 Addresses
            19.2.2 Quality of Service
            19.2.3 NS-User-data
        19.3 Sequence of primitives
Annex A – Network Layer Addressing
    A.1 General
    A.2 Scope
    A.3 Concepts and terminology
        A.3.1 Network addresses
        A.3.2 Domains
        A.3.3 Authorities
        A.3.4 Network address allocation
    A.4 Principles for creating the OSI Network addressing scheme
        A.4.1 Hierarchical structure
        A.4.2 Global identification of any NSAP
        A.4.3 Route independence
    A.5 Network address definition
        A.5.1 Network address semantics
        A.5.2 Network address abstract syntax
        A.5.3 Network address encodings
        A.5.4 Maximum Network address length
    A.6 Character based DSP allocation
    A.7 Reference publication formats
    A.8 Network entity titles
Annex B – Rationales for the material in Annex A
    B.1 IDI formats (see A.
    B.2 Reservation of AFI values 00-09 (see Table A.2)
    B.3 Derivation of the preferred encodings (see A.5.3)
Annex C – Facilities for conveying service characteristics in the connectionless-mode Network Service
    C.1 Introduction
    C.2 Function
    C.3 Types of primitives and parameters
    C.4 Service characteristics
        C.4.1 Congestion control
        C.4.2 Sequence preservation probability
        C.4.3 Maximum NSDU lifetime
    C.5 Types of primitives and parameters
        C.5.1 Destination address
        C.5.2 Service characteristic/QOS parameter
        C.5.3 Reason for report