Table of Contents

 1     Scope        
 2     References             
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere      
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation          
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms           
 5     Conventions           
 6     Framework to identify and locate the source of cybersecurity information    
 7     Types and level of details of discovered cybersecurity information    
 8     Cybersecurity information identifier            
 9     Types of discovery mechanisms      
        9.1     OID-based discovery mechanisms in the exchange of cybersecurity information            
        9.2     RDF-based discovery mechanisms in cybersecurity information exchange         
10     Methods available for access to discovered information      
Appendix I – Cybersecurity operational information ontology    
        I.1               Cybersecurity operation domains            
        I.2               Roles    
        I.3               Cybersecurity information          
Appendix II – Specifications describing databases and knowledge bases    
Appendix III – An illustrated implementation of RDF-based discovery    
      III.1     RDF-based discovery implementation example             
      III.2     Class hierarchy of cybersecurity information   