Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere       
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation           
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions            
 6     Overview of anti-theft measures    
        6.1     Anti-theft measures  
        6.2     High-level requirements for anti-theft measures          
 7     Functional architecture for mobile phone anti-theft measures          
        7.1     Threats for mobile phone anti-theft measures
        7.2     Key security functions for mobile phone anti-theft measures  
       7.3      Functional architecture for mobile device anti-theft measures
        7.4     Mechanisms for mobile phone anti-theft measures    
 8     Functional security requirements   
        8.1     Overview       
        8.2     Functional security requirements for the mobile device owner              
        8.3     Functional security requirements for the authorized server     
        8.4     Functional security requirements for the stolen mobile device
        8.5     Functional security requirements for the backup server            
Appendix I – General requirements for anti-theft measures    
        I.1     Device owner
        I.2     Server              
        I.3     Mobile device
        I.4     Device manufacture   
Appendix II – Additional security requirements for anti-theft measures    
       II.1     Requirements for backup server           
Appendix III –    
      III.1     Threats between the Anti-theft specific threats mobile device owner and the authorized server    
      III.2     Threats between the authorized server and the anti-theft disabling agent          
      III.3     Threats between the anti-theft disabling agent and the backup server 
Appendix IV – Scenario for anti-theft measures    
       IV.1     Types of disabling features of mobile device  
       IV.2     Enabling for stolen/lost mobile device              
       IV.3     Disabling scenario for stolen/lost mobile device           
Appendix V  TLS profile for anti-theft measures    
        V.1     TLS protocol requirement      
        V.2     TLS cipher suites for interoperability  
        V.3     Digital certificates      
Appendix VI – Overview of OMA device management    
       VI.1     OMA device management specification           