1     Introduction
        1.1     Scope
        1.2     Outline of operational principles
        1.3     Functions of the TPIWF
        1.4     Special provisions for the use of PAD service signals within the international telex service
 2     Methods of interworking and addressable terminals
        2.1     Considering
 3     Access from the telex network to the PSPDN
        3.1     One-stage selection
        3.2     Two-stage selection
        3.3     Data transfer phase – Packet forwarding conditions
 4     Access from the PSPDN to the telex network
        4.1     Call establishment
        4.2     Text transfer phase
        4.3     Reaction of TPIWF to data packets with M-bit set
        4.4     Setting of PSPDN PAD parameters by TPIWF
 5     WRU and answerback processing
        5.1     Call established from the telex network to the PSPDN
        5.2     Call established from PSPDN to the telex network
 6     Clearing procedures
        6.1     Clearing initiated within the PSPDN
        6.2     Clearing initiated within the telex network
 7     Ineffective call attempts
        7.1     General
        7.2     Ineffective calls within the telex network
        7.3     Ineffective calls within the PSPDN
 8     TPIWF PAD parameters
 9     Abnormal conditions
        9.1     Telex-to-PSPDN direction
        9.2     PSPDN-to-telex direction
        9.3     Flow control of the teleprinter
        9.4     Detection of signals on the backward path during forward transmission – Counterwriting
Appendix I – Handling of clearing procedures by TPIWF
        I.1     General
        I.2     Clearing initiated by PSPDN
        I.3     Clearing initiated from the telex network
Appendix II – Reaction by the TPIWF to ineffective call attempts within the telex network
       II.1     General
       II.2     Ineffective calls within the telex network