1     Introduction
 2     Basic interworking service
        2.1     Types of interworking
        2.2     Methods of interworking
 3     Telex access to a conversion facility (CF)
        3.1     One-stage selection
        3.2     Two-stage selection
 4     Delivery procedure to Teletex from a CF
        4.1     Service principles
        4.2     Text delivery
Annex  A  –  Reactions to abnormal conditions during the telex input
        A.1     Telex connection clearing without the end of input signal
        A.2     Telex subscriber pausing during input of address information
        A.3     Telex subscriber stopping transmission without sending the end of input signal
        A.4     Telex subscriber sending a WRU signal to the conversion facility during text input
        A.5     Telex subscriber sending a text after the end of input signal
        A.6     Telex subscriber clearing after the end of input signal and before the input message acknowledgement signal
        A.7     Telex subscriber sending national variants of ITA2 characters (figure shift characters of F, G and H)
        A.8     The conversion facility detecting signal distortion during text input
        A.9     Telex subscriber sending a bell signal
       A.10     CFs storage capacity overflow during telex message input
       A.11     Request of optional facilities, when not provided by the CF