1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional references
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     General principles
        6.1     Content architectures
                  6.1.1     Formatted processable content architecture class
        6.2     Content
        6.3     Presentation attributes
        6.4     Content portion attributes
        6.5     Coding of content information
 7     Audio positioning
        7.1     Basic concepts
                  7.1.1     Measurement units
        7.2     Positioning of elements of sampled sound in a basic layout time frame
        7.3     Reference recording level
 8     Audio presentation
        8.1     Attenuation and temporal envelope
        8.2     Frequency envelope
 9     Definition of audio presentation attributes
        9.1     Shared presentation attributes
                  9.1.1     Clipping
        9.2     Layout presentation attributes
                  9.2.1     Attenuation
                  9.2.2     Temporal envelope
                  9.2.3     Frequency envelope
                  9.2.4     Content architecture class
10     Definition of audio content portion attributes
       10.1     Common coding attributes
                 10.1.1     Type of coding
       10.2     Other coding attributes
                 10.2.1     Marker
       10.3     Content information attribute
11     Formal definitions of audio content architecture dependent data types
       11.1     Introduction
       11.2     Representation of document profile attributes
       11.3     Representation of presentation attributes
       11.4     Representation of coding attributes
       11.5     Representation of non-basic features and non-standard defaults
12     Content layout process
       12.1     Introduction
                 12.1.1     Purpose
                 12.1.2     Available area
                 12.1.3     Available time span
                 12.1.4     Presentation attributes
                 12.1.5     Audio content architecture classes
                 12.1.6     Association of content
       12.2     Content layout process for audio content
13     Content presentation process
       13.1     Introduction
       13.2     Content presentation process for formatted processable form
14     Interactions with document architecture attributes
15     Definition of audio content architecture classes
       15.1     Summary of audio presentation attributes
       15.2     Summary of audio content portion attributes
Annex  A  –  SGML representation of audio content-specific attributes for ODL
        A.1     Introduction
        A.2     Names and public identifiers
        A.3     Representation of attribute values
                  A.3.1     Constructed parameters
                  A.3.2     String parameters
                  A.3.3     Keyword parameters
                  A.3.4     Integer parameters
                  A.3.5     Real parameters
        A.4     Presentation attributes
        A.5     Coding attributes
Annex  B  –  Data type definitions for audio content architecture attributes
Annex  C  –  Summary of audio content architecture class
        C.1     Formatted processable audio content architecture class
                  C.1.1     Presentation attributes
                  C.1.2     Content portion attributes
Annex  D  –  Summary of ASN.1 object identifiers
Annex  E  –  Modifications to other parts of ITU-T Rec. T.410-Series | ISO/IEC 8613
        E.1     Modifications to ITU-T Rec. T.411 | ISO/IEC 8613-1
        E.2     Modifications to ITU-T Rec. T.412 | ISO/IEC 8613-2
        E.3     Modifications to ITU-T Rec. T.414 | ISO/IEC 8613-4
        E.4     Modifications to ITU-T Rec. T.415 | ISO/IEC 8613-5
Annex  F  –  Characteristics of audio encoding schemes