Summary     iii
Foreword           iv
 1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional references
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Purpose
        6.1     Concept of the Abstract Interface
        6.2     Relationship to functional profiles
        6.3     Identification
        6.4     Consistent handling of ODA documents
        6.5     Relationship between operations
        6.6     Grouping of operations
        6.7     Relationship to communication aspects
 7     Operations on ODA documents
        7.1     Document level operations
                  7.1.1     List
                  7.1.2     Open
                  7.1.3     Close
        7.2     Read only operations
                  7.2.1     Get
                  7.2.2     Search
        7.3     Altering operations
                  7.3.1     Create
                  7.3.2     Delete
                  7.3.3     Modify
                  7.3.4     Replace
                  7.3.5     Copy
                  7.3.6     Move
        7.4     Reservation operations
                  7.4.1     Reserve
                  7.4.2     Unreserve
        7.5     ODA-independent operations
                  7.5.1     BeginGroup
                  7.5.2     EndGroup
 8     ASN.1 specification of the abstract operations
Annex A – Alignment with DTAM document Manipulation abstract service
        A.1     Introduction
        A.2     Description of the mapping to DTAM-DM abstract service
Annex B – Alignment with DOAM set of operations