1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Abbreviations
 4     Definitions
 5     General Requirements
 6     Detailed Requirements
        6.1     General
                  6.1.1     Bearer Information
                  6.1.2     Quality of Service
                  6.1.3     Connection Types supported
                  6.1.4     Multi-Connection Support
                  6.1.5     Contention resolution
                  6.1.6     Error reporting
 7     Signalling Procedures
        7.1     Bearer establishment
                  7.1.1     Successful Establishment of a new bearer
                  7.1.2     Unsuccessful Establishment of a new bearer
        7.2     Modification of a Bearer
                  7.2.1     Successful Modification of a Bearer
                  7.2.2     Unsuccessful Modification of a Bearer
        7.3     Release of a Bearer
        7.4     Error Handling
        7.5     Echo Control Procedure
        7.6     Reset