1     Introduction
        1.1     Purpose and Scope
 2     References
 3     Definitions, abbreviations and conventions
        3.1     Definitions
        3.2     Abbreviations
        3.3     Conventions
 4     General overview
        4.1     Entity Relationship Models
                  4.1.1     ATM generic modelling
                  4.1.2     ATM interworking and adaptation layer modelling
                  4.1.3     Broadband customer administration modelling
                  4.1.4     Broadband routing modelling
        4.2     Inheritance hierarchy
 5     Formal definitions
        5.1     Object classes
                  5.1.1     ATM generic fragment
                  5.1.2     ATM adaptation layer fragment
                  5.1.3     Signalling fragment
                  5.1.4     Broadband customer administration fragment
                  5.1.5     Broadband and narrowband interworking call routing fragment
                  5.1.6     Circuit emulation service interworking fragment
        5.2     Name bindings
                  5.2.1     aalProfile-managedElementR1
                  5.2.2     aalProtocolCurrentData-interworkingVcTtpBidirectional
                  5.2.3     abstractDestination-managedElementR1
                  5.2.4     analysisCriteria-managedElementR1
                  5.2.5     bearerServiceBb-customerProfileBb
                  5.2.6     callingNumberScreeningBb-uniAccess
                  5.2.7     callRoutingOfficeData-managedElementR1
                  5.2.8     carrierData-managedElementR1
                  5.2.9     cesServiceProfile-managedElementR1
                 5.2.10     connectedNumberScreeningBb-uniAccess
                 5.2.11     crCircuitEndPoint-crCircuitEndPointSubgroupBb
                 5.2.12     crCircuitEndPointSubgroupBb-nniAccess
                 5.2.13     customerProfileBb-managedElementR1
                 5.2.14     customizedResourceBb-customerProfileBb
                 5.2.15     digitManip-managedElementR1
                 5.2.16     directoryNumberE164-managedElementR1
                 5.2.17     listOfRouteTps-managedElementR1
                 5.2.18     localDestination-managedElementR1
                 5.2.19     nniAccess-managedElementR1
                 5.2.20     postAnalysisEvaluation-managedElementR1
                 5.2.21     prefixDigitAnalysis-managedElementR1
                 5.2.22     routeData-managedElementR1
                 5.2.23     saalUniProtocolProfile-managedElementR1
                 5.2.24     supplementaryServiceDepBb-bearerServiceBb
                 5.2.25     supplementaryServiceDepBb-teleserviceBb
                 5.2.26     supplementaryServiceIndBb-customerProfileBb
                 5.2.27     sVpTtp-managedElementR1
                 5.2.28     teleserviceBb-customerProfileBb
                 5.2.29     userData-customerProfileBb
                 5.2.30     uniAccess-managedElementR1
                 5.2.31     vcCTPBidirectional-managedElementR1
                 5.2.32     virtualPathGroup-nniAccess
                 5.2.33     xtpsgComb-managedElementR1
        5.3     Definition of packages
                  5.3.1     AAL type 1 performance parameter package (aalTypeOnePerformanceParameterPkg)
                  5.3.2     AAL type 1 performance parameter history data package (aalTypeOnePerformanceParameterHistoryDataPkg)
                  5.3.3     AAL type 1 profile package (aalTypeOneProfilePkg)
                  5.3.4     AAL type 3/4 performance parameter package (aalTypeThreeFourPerformanceParameterPkg)
                  5.3.5     AAL type 3/4 performance parameter history data package (aalTypeThreeFourPerformanceParameterHistoryDataPkg)
                  5.3.6     AAL type 3/4 profile package (aalTypeThreeFourProfilePkg)
                  5.3.7     AAL type 5 performance parameter package (aalTypeFivePerformanceParameterPkg)
                  5.3.8     AAL type 5 performance parameter history data package (aalTypeFivePerformanceParameterHistoryDataPkg)
                  5.3.9     AAL type 5 profile package (aalTypeFiveProfilePkg)
                 5.3.10     Blocked for maintenance package (blockedForMaintenancePkg)
                 5.3.11     Calling line identification presentation for broadband package (clipBbPkg)
                 5.3.12     Calling line identification restriction for broadband package (clirBbPkg)
                 5.3.13     Carrier data pointer package (carrierDataPtrPkg)
                 5.3.14     Carrier parameter required package (carrierParameterRequiredPkg)
                 5.3.15     Closed user group subscription option package for broadband (cugSubscriptionOptionBbPkg)
                 5.3.16     Connected line identification presentation for broadband package (colpBbPkg)
                 5.3.17     Connected line identification restriction for broadband package (colrBbPkg)
                 5.3.18     Customer profile pointers behaviour package (customerProfilePointersBehPkg)
                 5.3.19     Customized resource pointers behaviour package (customizedResourcePointersBehPkg)
                 5.3.20     Destination code package (destinationCodePkg)
                 5.3.21     Destination type package (destinationTypePkg)
                 5.3.22     Digit combination insertion package (digitCombInsertPkg)
                 5.3.23     Digit combination replace package (digitCombReplacePkg)
                 5.3.24     Digit manipulation pointer package (digitManipPtrPkg)
                 5.3.25     Digit suppression package (digitSuppressPkg)
                 5.3.26     Local area code package (localAreaCodePkg)
                 5.3.27     Maintenance signalling running package (maintenanceSignallingRunningPkg)
                 5.3.28     Maximum digits package (maxDigitsPkg)
                 5.3.29     Minimum digits package (minDigitsPkg)
                 5.3.30     Modify termination point list package (modifyTerminationPointListPkg)
                 5.3.31     Network type package (networkTypePkg)
                 5.3.32     Origin mark package (originMarkPkg)
                 5.3.33     Poll after retransmission package (pollAfterRetransmissionPkg)
                 5.3.34     Preferred carrier package (preferredCarrierPkg)
                 5.3.35     Propagation delay package (propagationDelayPkg)
                 5.3.36     Remote blocking package (remoteBlockingPkg)
                 5.3.37     Remote blocking narrowband package (remoteBlockingNbPkg)
                 5.3.38     Required narrowband transfer capability package (reqNbTransferCapabilityPkg)
                 5.3.39     Ring time limit package (ringTimeLimitPkg)
                 5.3.40     Search method package (searchMethodPkg)
                 5.3.41     Send TNS package (sendTnsPkg)
                 5.3.42     Signalling channel pointer package (signallingChannelPtrPkg)
                 5.3.43     Signalling type package (signallingTypePkg)
                 5.3.44     Sub-addressing for broadband package (subBbPkg)
                 5.3.45     Two calling party number delivery package (twoCallingPartyNumberDeliveryPkg)
                 5.3.46     User to user signalling for broadband package (userToUserSignallingBbPkg)
        5.4     Definition of attributes
                  5.4.1     AAL mode (aalMode)
                  5.4.2     AAL pointer (aalPtr)
                  5.4.3     AAL profile identifier (aalProfileId)
                  5.4.4     AAL profile pointer (aalProfilePointer)
                  5.4.5     AAL type (aalType)
                  5.4.6     Abstract destination identifier (abstractDestinationId)
                  5.4.7     Abstract destination pointer (abstractDestinationPtr)
                  5.4.8     Access pointer list (accessPtrList)
                  5.4.9     Active list of route termination points pointer (activeListOfRouteTpsPtr)
                 5.4.10     Active target pointer (activeTargetPtr)
                 5.4.11     Analysis criteria identifier (analysisCriteriaId)
                 5.4.12     Assign non-assign (assignNonAssign)
                 5.4.13     B/E tag mismatch (bETagMismatch)
                 5.4.14     Blocked for maintenance (blockedForMaintenance)
                 5.4.15     BOM/EOM unexpected MID (bomsEomsUnexpectedMID)
                 5.4.16     Buffer overflows (bufferOverflows)
                 5.4.17     Buffer release (bufferRelease)
                 5.4.18     Buffer underflows (bufferUnderflows)
                 5.4.19     Calling party category (callingPartyCategory)
                 5.4.20     Called party number representation Type (cdpnRepresentationType)
                 5.4.21     Call routing circuit endpoint identifier (crCircuitEndPointId)
                 5.4.22     Call routing circuit endpoint subgroup identifier (crCircuitEndPointSubgroupId)
                 5.4.23     Call routing office data identifier (callRoutingOfficeDataId)
                 5.4.24     Carrier code (carrierCode)
                 5.4.25     Carrier data identifier (carrierDataId)
                 5.4.26     Carrier data pointer (carrierDataPtr)
                 5.4.27     CBR rate (cbrRate)
                 5.4.28     Cell loss (cellLoss)
                 5.4.29     Cell loss integration period (cellLossIntegrationPeriod)
                 5.4.30     Cell misinsertion (cellMisinsertion)
                 5.4.31     CES buffered CDV tolerance (cesBufferedCDVtolerance)
                 5.4.32     CES service profile identifier (cesServiceProfileId)
                 5.4.33     Channel associated signalling (channelAssociatedSignalling)
                 5.4.34     CIP required (cipRequired)
                 5.4.35     Circuit identification code (cic)
                 5.4.36     Clock recovery type (clockRecoveryType)
                 5.4.37     Closed user group barring (cugBarring)
                 5.4.38     Closed user group data network identification (cugDataNetworkIdentification)
                 5.4.39     Closed user group index (cugIndex)
                 5.4.40     Closed user group interlock code (cugInterlockCode)
                 5.4.41     Code (code)
                 5.4.42     COM/EOM unexpected SN (comsEomsUnexpectedSN)
                 5.4.43     Connected line identification restriction options (connLineIdRestrictionOptions)
                 5.4.44     Connected number screening identifier (connectedNumberScreeningId)
                 5.4.45     Connection identification offering (connectionIdOffering)
                 5.4.46     CRC violations (crcViolations)
                 5.4.47     CSP Required (cspRequired)
                 5.4.48     Customer profile pointer (customerProfilePtr)
                 5.4.49     Customized resource pointer list (customizedResourcePtrList)
                 5.4.50     Default directory number (defaultDirectoryNumber)
                 5.4.51     Destination code (destinationCode)
                 5.4.52     Destination type (destinationType)
                 5.4.53     Digit combination insertion (digitCombInsert)
                 5.4.54     Digit combination replace (digitCombReplace)
                 5.4.55     Digit manipulation identifier (digitManipId)
                 5.4.56     Digit manipulation pointer (digitManipPtr)
                 5.4.57     Digit suppression (digitSuppress)
                 5.4.58     Excluded subscriber codes (excludedSubscriberCodes)
                 5.4.59     Forward error correction method (forwardErrorCorrectionMethod)
                 5.4.60     Header errors (headerErrors)
                 5.4.61     Initial subscriber codes (initialSubscriberCodes)
                 5.4.62     Inter closed user group access (interCugAccess)
                 5.4.63     Length BA size mismatch (lengthBASizeMismatch)
                 5.4.64     Length mismatch (lengthMismatch)
                 5.4.65     Link group pointer (linkGroupPtr)
                 5.4.66     Link type (linkType)
                 5.4.67     List of link groups pointer list (listOfLinkGroupsPtrList)
                 5.4.68     List of routes pointer list (listOfRoutesPtrList)
                 5.4.69     List of route termination points identifier (listOfRouteTpsId)
                 5.4.70     Local area code (localAreaCode)
                 5.4.71     Local destination identifier (localDestinationId)
                 5.4.72     Local destination pointer (localDestinationPtr)
                 5.4.73     Maintenance signalling running (maintenanceSignallingRunning)
                 5.4.74     Maximun CC (maxCc)
                 5.4.75     Maximum CPCS_PDU size (maxCpcsPduSize)
                 5.4.76     Maximum digits (maxDigits)
                 5.4.77     Maximum information field length (maxInformationFieldLength)
                 5.4.78     Maximum length of SSCOP user to user field (maxLengthSscopUuField)
                 5.4.79     Maximum PD (maxPd)
                 5.4.80     Maximum SSCOP credit to peer (maxSscopCreditToPeer)
                 5.4.81     Maximum STAT (maxStat)
                 5.4.82     MID range (midRange)
                 5.4.83     Minimum digits (minDigits)
                 5.4.84     Nature of address (natureOfAddress)
                 5.4.85     Network border (networkBorder)
                 5.4.86     Network type (networkType)
                 5.4.87     NNI access identifier (nniAccessId)
                 5.4.88     No connected line identification presentation restrictions allowed (noColpRestrictionsAllowed)
                 5.4.89     Number of aborts (numberOfAborts)
                 5.4.90     Origin (origin)
                 5.4.91     Origin for routing (originForRouting)
                 5.4.92     Origin mark (originMark)
                 5.4.93     Own international code (ownInternationalCode)
                 5.4.94     Partially filled cells (partiallyFilledCells)
                 5.4.95     Poll after retransmission (pollAfterRetransmission)
                 5.4.96     Post analysis evaluation identifier (postAnalysisEvaluationId)
                 5.4.97     Preferred carrier (preferredCarrier)
                 5.4.98     Preferred closed user group index (preferredCugIndex)
                 5.4.99     Prefix digit analysis identifier (prefixDigitAnalysisId)
                5.4.100     Propagation delay (propagationDelay)
                5.4.101     Reassembly timer expirations (reassemblyTimerExpirations)
                5.4.102     Remote blocking (remoteBlocking)
                5.4.103     Remote blocking reason (remoteBlockingReason)
                5.4.104     Required bandwidth egress (reqBandwidthEgress)
                5.4.105     Required bandwidth ingress (reqBandwidthIngress)
                5.4.106     Required bearer capability (reqBearerCapab)
                5.4.107     Required narrowband transfer capability (reqNbTransferCapability)
                5.4.108     Ring time limit (ringTimeLimit)
                5.4.109     Route data identifier (routeDataId)
                5.4.110     SAAL UNI protocol profile identifier (saalUniProtocolProfileId)
                5.4.111     SAR CRC violations (sarCrcViolations)
                5.4.112     Screen number (screenNumber)
                5.4.113     Search method (searchMethod)
                5.4.114     Sends TNS (sendTns)
                5.4.115     Sequence violations (sequenceViolations)
                5.4.116     Service profile pointer (serviceProfilePointer)
                5.4.117     Signalling channel pointer (signallingChannelPtr)
                5.4.118     Signalling protocol (signallingProtocol)
                5.4.119     Signalling route pointer (sigRoutePtr)
                5.4.120     Signalling standard (signallingStandard)
                5.4.121     Signalling type (signallingType)
                5.4.122     SRI timeouts (sriTimeOuts)
                5.4.123     SSCOP timer CC (sscopTimerCc)
                5.4.124     SSCOP timer idle (sscopTimerIdle)
                5.4.125     SSCOP timer keep alive (sscopTimerKeepAlive)
                5.4.126     SSCOP timer no response (sscopTimerNoResponse)
                5.4.127     SSCOP timer poll (sscopTimerPoll)
                5.4.128     SSCS type (sscsType)
                5.4.129     STD pointer parity failures (stdPointerParityFailures)
                5.4.130     STD pointer reframes (stdPointerReframes)
                5.4.131     Structured data transfer (structuredDataTransfer)
                5.4.132     Subscriber category (subscriberCategory)
                5.4.133     Subtype (subType)
                5.4.134     Sum of incorrect CS field errors (sumOfIncorrectCSFieldErrors)
                5.4.135     Sum of incorrect SAR field errors (sumOfIncorrectSARFieldErrors)
                5.4.136     Sum of invalid CS field errors (sumOfInvalidCSFieldErrors)
                5.4.137     Sum of invalid SAR field errors (sumOfInvalidSARFieldErrors)
                5.4.138     Supplementary service independent for broadband pointer list (supplementaryServiceIndBbPtrList)
                5.4.139     Termination point and VPCI pointer list (tpAndVpciPtrList)
                5.4.140     Termination point and VPCI Signalling Pointer List (tpAndVpciSigPtrList)
                5.4.141     Termination point list (terminationPointList)
                5.4.142     Timeslot pointer (timeslotPtr)
                5.4.143     Timing relation (timingRelation)
                5.4.144     Transit delay limit (transitDelayLimit)
                5.4.145     Two calling party number delivery (twoCallingPartyNumberDelivery)
                5.4.146     UNI access identifier (uniAccessId)
                5.4.147     Used algorithm (usedAlgorithm)
                5.4.148     User data identifier (userDataId)
                5.4.149     User data pointer (userDataPtr)
                5.4.150     Virtual path group identifier (virtualPathGroupId)
                5.4.151     Virtual path type (vpType)
                5.4.152     XTPSG combination identifier (xtpsgCombId)
        5.5     Definition of actions
                  5.5.1     Add termination point (addTerminationPoint)
                  5.5.2     Remove termination point (removeTerminationPoint)
        5.6     Definition of behaviour
                  5.6.1     Set by manager behaviour (setByManagerBeh)
 6     Type Definitions
 7     Protocol stacks
ANNEX A – Management requirements
        A.1     Configuration management functions
                  A.1.1     General NE configuration functions
                  A.1.2     ATM transport layer configuration functions
                  A.1.3     ATM adaptation layer configuration functions
                  A.1.4     Broadband signalling configuration functions
        A.2     Performance management functions
                  A.2.1     General NE performance functions
                  A.2.2     ATM transport layer performance functions
                  A.2.3     ATM adaptation layer performance functions
        A.3     Fault management functions
                  A.3.1     Alarm surveillance
                  A.3.2     Test and fault localisation
                  A.3.3     Fault correction
        A.4     Modelling specific requirements
APPENDIX I – Point-to-multipoint connections
APPENDIX II – Bibliography