1     Scope, purpose and application
        1.1     Scope
        1.2     Purpose
        1.3     Application
 2     Normative references
        2.1     ITU‑T and ISO/IEC standards
        2.2     Other standards
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Overview
 6     Certificate extensions
        6.1     Authority Key Identifier
        6.2     Subject Key Identifier
        6.3     Key Usage
        6.4     Private Key Usage Period
        6.5     Certificate Policies
        6.6     Policy Mapping
        6.7     Subject Alternative Name
        6.8     Issuer Alternative Name
        6.9     Subject Directory Attributes
       6.10     Basic Constraints
       6.11     Name Constraints
       6.12     Policy Constraints
       6.13     Extended Key Usage
       6.14     CRL Distribution Points
       6.15     Authority Information Access
 7     Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Extensions
        7.1     Authority Key Identifier
        7.2     Issuer Alternative Name
        7.3     CRL Number
        7.4     Delta CRL Indicator
        7.5     Issuing Distribution Point
 8     Extensions for Individual Entries in CRLs
        8.1     Reason Code
        8.2     Hold Instruction Code
        8.3     Invalidity Date
        8.4     Certificate Issuer