1     Introduction
 2     Requirements for SS No. 7 management
        2.1     OMAP layers of management functions
        2.2     OMAP management categories
                  2.2.1     Fault management for OMAP
                  2.2.2     Configuration management
                  2.2.3     Performance management
 3     Reference model for SS No. 7 management
        3.1     OMAP functional reference model
                  3.1.1     Network management
                  3.1.2     Network element management
                  3.1.3     Network element functions
                  3.1.4     Relationship between network management and network element management
        3.2     Physical realization for SS No. 7 management
        3.3     OMAP and the OSI management model
                  3.3.1     OSI states, resource states, mapping and constraints
                  3.3.2     Managed object model
        3.4     SS No. 7 managed objects and SS No. 7 structure
 4     Communication profiles for management interfaces
 5     Methodology
 6     Backwards compatibility
        6.1     Blue Book Recommendation Q.791 and the present OMAP
        6.2     SS No. 7 networks without TMN
        6.3     Existing SS No. 7 networks and their evolution to using TMN
                  6.3.1     Q-Adaptation function
                  6.3.2     Limitations upon the output to the TMN-OS
        6.4     Compatibility within OMAP communication protocols
Annex A – OMAP Recommendations which apply to the TMN and SS No. 7 interfaces
Annex B – Recommendation for narrow-band SS No. 7 managed objects
Annex C – Management of the SS No. 7 part of broadband networks