1     Closed User Group (CUG)
        1.1     Scope
        1.2     References
        1.3     Definitions
        1.4     Abbreviations
        1.5     Description
        1.6     Operational requirements
                  1.6.1     Provision and withdrawal
                  1.6.2     Requirements on the originating network side
                  1.6.3     Requirements on the destination network side
        1.7     Coding requirements
                  1.7.1     Messages and closed user group information element
                  1.7.2     Cause information element
        1.8     Primitive and state definitions
                  1.8.1     Primitive definitions
                  1.8.2     State definitions
        1.9     Signalling procedures at the coincident SB and TB reference point
                  1.9.1     Activation, deactivation and registration
                  1.9.2     Invocation and operation
       1.10     Procedures at the TB reference point for interworking with private B-ISDNs
       1.11     Procedures for interworking between the DSS 1 and the DSS 2 protocol
       1.12     Interactions with other networks
       1.13     Interactions with (other) supplementary services
                 1.13.1     Connected line identification presentation
                 1.13.2     Connected line identification restriction
                 1.13.3     Calling line identification presentation
                 1.13.4     Calling line identification restriction
                 1.13.5     Closed User Group
                 1.13.6     Direct-Dialling-In
                 1.13.7     User-to-user signalling
                 1.13.8     Multiple subscriber number
                 1.13.9     Sub-addressing
       1.14     Parameter values
       1.15     Dynamic description (SDL)
                 1.15.1     The closed user group process
                 1.15.2     Relation to basic call/connection control
Annex A – Symmetric operation
Annex B – Protocol extensions to this Recommendation for calls/connections  using the procedures of Recommendation Q.2971 [13]